Friday, March 6, 2020

Blog #13 - Jessica Hung Cen - Period 7 - 2/6/20

March 6th, 2020
Jessica Hung Cen 

Period 7

Aim: How can we analyze the importance of names, while symbolically analyzing the characters of the novel?

Do Now: Why do you believe we devote (give) so much time and place so much importance/emphasis on the names we create for people/children? Why do you believe author's take so much time and care in naming their characters in their works of literature?

Student Responses:
  • We place so much emphasis because it is a way we identify ourselves. It us how we address each other and it is a lifetime characterization.
  • Names are part of your culture. It can be modeled after an ancestor or a historical figure.
  • They are a way for us to have a level of uniqueness.
  • Names have meanings behind them and based on who or what a character is named, an author can characterize them through their namesake.
  • The Odyssey - names were used to trick the Cyclops.
  • Allegory (N) - literary, dramatic pictorial device in which each literal character, object, even represents symbols illustrating/showing an idea, moral or religious principle; a parable, fable, story

  • Characterization (N) - is used to discuss: physical traits, personalities, what someone says about a character, what they feel or say about themselves (direct/indirect)

  • Personification (N) - giving human-like characteristics to inanimate objects

What Did We Do Today?
  • Read "The Baby Name Business" - Wall Street Journal Article
    • This article describes how parents are stressed by coming up with names for their children. Due to this trend of stress, there has been an increase in the creation of businesses and platforms dedicated to naming babies. parents often pay to talk to a consultant who will proceed to advise them on what names are suitable for a child. Some reason for this stress are:
      • choosing a unique name so children will stand out
      • making sure their children will not be made fun of
      • ensuring there are no negative connotation (Hitler, Stalin, etc) 
Answer the questions associated with the reading
  1. Using the annotated article, create a unified summary of the main ideas found within the article.
  2. According to the article, identify "5" ways in which choosing the wrong name is important, and explain the "Whys" behind it. 
  3. Explain the possible ramifications in choosing a "wrong" name.
  4. Lastly, how does it correlate to the novel, Animal Farm (specifically, chapter 1).

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