Sunday, May 2, 2021

Blogger #14 - Joy Li - Period 9 - 4/28/21 - Day C


Aim: How does Homer’s invocation establish tone for the beginning of the Odyssey? 

Do Now: Class Discussion 

How do you become inspired? Where does it originate?

For these questions, I learned that my classmates get inspiration from pictures or art, video games, random thoughts that people suddenly think of in showers or while trying to sleep and in dreams. I get inspiration from random thoughts and ideas that I think of during the day and in my dreams.


Our team discussed many different titles, such as “The Suitors,” “Gods and Goddesses,” “The Five Muses,” and “The Golden Apples.” In the end we have a unanimous vote for “The Suitors.”

Team 1 chose “Prophecy and Fate” which is pretty creative because of how we were discussing the difference between these two in the previous lesson. Team 3 chose “Odysseus” who’s the main character of the odyssey. Team 4’s name is “Polyphemus,” the unfortunate cyclop who Odysseus encountered on his travels and rid his eye.  Team 5 is “Homer’s Home,” inspired by the author of the Odyssey, Homer. Last but not least, Team 6 has chosen the name “Boat” because Odysseus traveled on a boat in his journey away from home for more than 10 years.

The Nine Muses

The nine muses are Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomeni, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope. They are the beautiful daughters of Zeus and the Titan Mnemosyne. Clio is the muse of history and Euterpe is the muse of musical instruments. Thalia is in charge of comedy while Melpomene is in charge of tragedy. Terpsichore invented dance and the harp. Erato is the protector of love and love poems. Polymnia invented geometry and grammar and Ourania invented astronomy. Lastly, there’s Calliope who imposes justice and serenity, protects heroic poems and rhetoric art. She also was Homer’s inspiration for writing the Iliad and the Odyssey.

What exactly is an invocation?

Invocation: calling upon the divine to help you

Class Discussion

  1. What is your opinion of Odysseus so far after hearing Homer's invocation to the muses and learning about the Trojan War?

         Our opinions of Odysseus after hearing Homer’s invocation to the muses and learning about the Trojan War is that Odysseus is clever and smart, but not very responsible after his men he was supposed to take home each died from their own foolishness.

  1. How does Homer maintain the audience’s interest in the story, knowing that the audience is aware of the outcome from the very beginning?

       Homer maintains the audience’s interest in the story by talking about the            details in between Odysseus’ journey and the challenges and different types of things that he encounters on his way home.

  1. What does the invocation of the Muse in the opening lines clarify about Odysseus’ culpability (responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame) during his voyage home?

        The invocation of the Muse in the opening lines clarify that  Odysseus didn’t take part in all the things his men did during the voyage, such as killing the sun god’s cows. Most actions weren’t his fault yet he was punished because he didn’t stop them and neither did he bring the men home in the end.


Aim: How does “Sailing From Troy” and “The Lotus Eaters” (Book IX) establish Odysseus’ role as a leader?

Do Now: Team List

Consider the fact that Odysseus has been trying to return to

his home in Ithaca for 10 years. Imagine being away from your home for that long.

1) What would you miss the most and why?

2) Why do we have sayings like the ones below?

My classmates had many things in common. Most of them would miss their home, comfy bed and their families. Some would miss their pets and others would miss the comfort of the homemade food their parents made and the weather. For example, if you’ve lived in Canada for most your life and suddenly moved down to Florida, it’ll take a while to get used to the blazing sun in Florida after leaving behind the cold and the snow in Canada.


The method by which an author creates the personality and appearance of their character. There are two types of characterization: 

Direct Characterization: The author makes direct statements about the character (can be revealed through a narrator or through another character in the story). The author TELLS the reader what they want them to know.

Indirect Characterization: indirectly stated from character's actions, choices they make, dialogue/relationships with others, thoughts, feelings. The author SHOWS the reader what they want them to know. (S.T.E.A.L. Method)



SPEECH- What does the character say?  How does the character speak?

THOUGHTS- What is revealed through the character’s private thoughts and feelings?

EFFECTS- What  is revealed through the character’s effect on other people? How do other characters feel or behave in reaction to the character?

ACTIONS- What does the character do? How does the character behave?

LOOKS- What does the character look like? How does the character dress?

Lotus Eaters

The Lotus Eaters were a part of the Odyssey. These Lotus Eaters gave the men in Odysseus’ ship a fruit that looks like the lotus flower. These flowers immediately took effect upon the first bite and caused the men to forget their yearning to go home and stay on the island, feeling free and being lazy. Lotus is a symbol of forgetfulness that makes people forget their past and their future. This flower-shaped fruit was what caused Odysseus to drag his men back to the ship while they wanted to stay on the island.

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