Monday, May 24, 2021

Blogger # 29 - Byron Zhao - Period 9 - 5/20/2021 - Day C

 Aim:How does “The Cattle of the Sun God” episode illustrate the culminating challenge Odysseus faces as a leader?

Do Now: Kahoot

We started with a Kahoot for “The Cattle of the Sun God” which we had to read and annotate for our homework. 

How would you feel if you asked someone (you highly trusted) not to do something, and they did it anyway? What would you do and why?

We had a class discussion on the topic above. Justin talked about whether it was severe or not and I agree with him. If it was severe, it would be more important to me while if it was not as severe, it would be less important and would affect me less. A lot of the class also agree with Justin and added on to it. Daniel agreed with Justin and talked about how often it was done as well. 

Eurylochus is also Oddyseus’ brother in law and shows loyalty to Oddyseus; until this point. 

  1. Why do you think there was a change in his character in “The Cattle of the Sun God.”?

  2. What reason does Eurylochus give the crew members to justify the betrayal of Tiresias' warning to Odysseus? 

Afterwards, we had another class discussion on the above prompt. Ying Ye talked about how Eurylochus was questioning Oddyseus’ leadership and past actions. He talks about how there is now a role reversal happening. Odysseus was now the more sensible of the 2 of them. Randy also talked about how the hungeriness of the men may have affected their actions, afterall, desperate times calls for desperate measures. I think what the both of them said was very logical. 


The next thing we did was questions with our teams. The first question asked us what similarities we see in Eurylochus' speech to the crew in this episode and Odysseus' speech in “Scylla and Charybdis.” Kelly said that both of the speeches try to convince the man to think of their own survival and of their own lives. I pretty much agree with that as I can see both Eurylochus and Odysseus telling the men the choices they have and which one they prefer. The next question asked us what the wrath of the gods say about their involvement with mortals. I said that their involvement is not too much and Kelly disagrees. She thinks they have a lot of involvement as the gods give out prophecies which influenced how the mortals react. The third question asked us which details in line 920-921 of “The Cattle of the Sun God” clarifies the flashback that was presented. Owen said that Calypso spoke to Odysseus about what was happening as Odysseus was sleeping when his men decided to kill and eat the cattle. 

Do the members of the crew deserve the punishment they receive for killing the cattle? Explain

We had another class discussion on the above prompt. Many of the class thought that they deserved the punishment after all, they were warned and aware of the punishments that would occur if they killed the cattle. 

The next question asked us if Odyseus is learning to not be too proud or confident and if his hubris has been put in check. We each thought that Odyseus is taking it seriously and learning from his mistakes. He is being more cautious and careful of his actions. 


Odysseus has grown up and become more mature. He has become more of a leader and learned to be careful. Instead, it feels like his men have not changed much. They seem a bit more foolish as they decided to kill the cattle even though they knew the punishment they would receive if they did. 

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