Friday, May 28, 2021

Blogger #25 - Andy Weng - Period 9 - 5/17/21 - Day C

 Aim:How can we evaluate Odysseus’ leadership through his decision-making in his encounter with “Scylla and Charybdis” in Homer’s Odyssey?

Do Now:Would you sacrifice one person in order to save five other people?

➢ What would influence your decision if you had to make a choice according to “The Trolley Problem?” [1:38]



    We did the kahoot first then we answered the question I will sacrifice 1 because 1 will die and the other 5 don’t and it is uneven so I want the least amount of people dead. I read the section Scylla and then the other which is Charybdis, then I read “Scylla & Charybdis”


Circe’s Advice

Just as she offered advice with the Sirens, Circe also gives Odysseus information about two other sea monsters he will encounter: Scylla and Charybdis. Only one ship (Argo) has ever managed to pass in between these monsters without losing any lives. Circe tells Odysseus that he should pass Scylla and sacrifice six of his men; rather than risk the entire crew to Charybdis. Odysseus asks if he can escape Charybdis and then fight off Scylla to save the lives of all of his men. Circe reprimands his stubbornness and informs him that Scylla is immortal.

Type of Allusion

Biblical- referring to the Bible or a religious work

Classical- referring to Classical Literature

Literary- referring to another literary work

Historical- referring to an event in history


Point of view

  1. Imagine you are one of Odysseus' men when he leads his crew to Scylla.

    1. How do you feel about his decision to take you closer to Scylla? Support Odyssey rather than be scared.

    2. Do you support his decision or not? Yes because he came out alive still.

  2. Also, Odysseus decides it would be best to not tell his men which route they are taking.

But as I sent them on toward Scylla, I

told them nothing, as they could do nothing.

  1. Would you have wanted to know which route Odysseus was leading you? Yes

    1. Why or why not? Because we can prepared for what coming 

  2. If you were the leader, do you think you would have made the same? No, I will tell them to cheer them up so that they can do it.

  3. Why might Odysseus have opted to withhold this information from his men? They might be scared and don’t go.

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