Thursday, May 20, 2021

Blogger #29 - Samuel Szeto - Period 1 - 5/18/2021 - Day A

Aim: How does "The Cattle of the Sun God" episode illustrate the culminating challenge Odysseus faces as a leader?

Whole Class Discussion
How would you feel if you asked someone (you highly trusted) not to do something, and they did it anyway? What would you do?

Spirit readingHELIUS (Helios) - Greek Titan God of the Sun (Roman Sol)

Cattle of the sun god 

Whole class discussion
Lines 863-393
Why do you think there was a change in his character in “The Cattle of the Sun god”?
What reason does Eurylochus give the crew members to justify the betrayal of Tiresis’ warning to Odysseus?

Which similarities do you see in Eurylochus' speech to the crew in this episode and Odysseus’ speech in “Scylla and Charybdis”?

In “ cattle of the sun god” , what does the Wrath of the gods say about their involvement amongst mortals?
Access their involvement?
What are some of their behaviors
What details in lines 920-921 clarify the flashback presented here?

Do the members of the crew deserve the punishment they receive for killing the cattle?
Is Odysseus learning to not be so proud and too confident?
Has his hubris been “put in check”?

Cognizant of the advice from Tiresias, Odysseus wants to avoid Helios’ island all together. It is Eurylochus who insists the men need to stop and rest. Eurylochus also convinces the men to eat the cattle when they are starving.

How do their behaviors present a role reversal? (Consider their actions/behaviors on Circe’s island in comparison.)

What are some of the signs that the gods give to the men after they begin to eat the cattle? What are these signs an example of? (Reflect back to your reading of The Alchemist!)

Omen: Anything perceived or happening that is believed to portend a good or evil event or circumstance in the future (something of prophetic significance)

How do the men react to these warnings, and what is the significance of their reactions?

Home work
Odysseus or Eurylochus Discussion Board virtual Debate
Choose a side:
If you were one of the men on the ship who would you follow?

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