Monday, May 17, 2021

Blogger #23 - Jessica Tan- Period 9 - 5/11/2021 - Day C


  • Double lesson


9 RL SP: Odyssey: Land of the Dead

  • Aim: How does the episode of “The Land of the Dead” further our understanding of Odysseus as the epic hero?

Do now: What are some of the cultural traditions we use to honor the dead?


To begin this lesson the whole class began to discuss ideas about some of the cultural traditions to honor the dead. Some students began to talk about the Chinese culture of how to bury their dead. Some of those ideas were burning paper money also known as joss paper for the dead in the afterlife. 


Following up this discussion we began to talk about the afterlife in Greek mythology. The Greeks believed that after death, the soul went on a journey to the Underworld. The Greeks buried their dead with coins in their mouth to provide money for Charon to bring them to the palace of hades. Without this coin, they are forced to wander the underworld for 100 years. In the underworld, the soul would be judged by three judges to decided where they would go. 


Honoring and remembering the dead


From this slide, we learned how the greeks had these elaborate burial ceremonies and how they see improper buries as an insult to human dignity. How not giving a body a proper burial would leave their soul trapped between the world of the living and the underworld. The existence of the dead relied on the living remembering who they were, forgetting this was considered impious and the person could be punished severally.


Land of the dead PDF

The story started out with Circe advising Odysseus to find the prophet Tiresias and consult her. Later in the story, Odysseus and his crew decided to head into the underworld. In the underworld, Odysseus meets Elpenor, one of his dead crewmates. From him, Odysseus learned that he accidentally killed himself on Circe’s island. Because of that he didn’t receive a proper burial and was left to wander the living and underworld. Odysseus leaving promised Elphenor to give him a proper burial. Later on, he meets the spirit of his mother and grieves for her. Soon after, The crew meets Tiresias and found out that Poseidon cursed him for when Odysseus blinded the Cyclops. Tiresias also told Odysseus that his home was filled with men trying to court his wife and how he should go back hie to make those men atone with their blood.



  1. As Odysseus prepares to meet the dead he says, “Then I addressed the blurred and breathless dead, / vowing to slaughter my best heifer (cow) for them…”  (line 555-556).  What can be inferred about ancient Greek beliefs concerning death and the afterlife from these lines?

From these lines, we were able to infer that the greeks cared a lot about the afterlife and how the belief was important to them. How Odysseus addressed the blurred and breathless dead (souls trapped) and vowed to slaughter his best cow for them.

  1. Discuss Elpenor's request to Odysseus (lines 598-608).

  1. What details does he want Odysseus to remember about his burial?

  2. How does this reflect the Greek ritual of death?

Elpenor’s request to Odysseus was to give him a proper burial and to cremate him and use his oar to be used as a marker. This reflected the Greek’s ritual of death because even the dead wants to be remembered to have a proper burial to not wander the underworld for 100 years.

  1. how does Odysseus react to seeing Elpenor (Lines 580-585)?

    1. How does he react to Anticlea (his mother) (Lines 614-619)?

    2. What characteristics of Odysseus do we see displayed in this scene?

When Odysseus saw Elpenor he felt guilty and pity for him. He was guilty because he knew nothing of his death and felt bad for him. How he wasn’t able to receive a proper burial. When he saw Anticlea he felt grief and sadness, knowing nothing about her death when he was away. From this we are able to see that Odyesses had a sense of determination and leadership. Determination to give Elpenor and the restless souls a proper burial. Even when seeing his dead mother he still had a goal to do and not allowing his emotions to get the best of him.

  1. Although not a god, Tiresias has been endowed with the power of prophecy. Consider the following advice Tiresias gives to Odysseus regarding the remainder of his journey home: One narrow strait may take you through his blows: denial of yourself, restraint of your shipmates.”

    1. How does Tiresias advise (counsel) Odysseus with his leadership, as well as his handling of his men for the upcoming challenge? 

    2. In addition, what instructions does Tiresias give Odysseus in order to quell Poseidon’s rage?

Tiresias told Odysseus that in his journey that he will be faced with many challenges and how he needs to believe in himself and his crewmates. The instruction that Tiresias gives to Odysseus is to give Poseidon a sacrifice.

10 RL SP: Odyssey: The Sirens

  • Aim: How does Odysseus' strategic leadership further characterize him as an epic hero in "The Sirens" episode of Homer's Odyssey?

The Sirens PDF
Sirens were portrayed as half-bird and half-women who were seductive creatures that lure sailors to their deaths with their songs. Circe told Odysseus and his crew to cover their ears with beeswax but Odysseus didn’t want to do that and wanted to listen to their songs and learn about their knowledge. So his crew ties him up to the mast and lets him listen to their music. Even when Odysseus begged and begged his men did not listen to him and tied him up even more. Soon they arrived at the shore unharmed.


  1. Why does Odysseus address his men “sore at heart”? 

Odysseus addressed his men “sore at heart” because their heart was weak and afraid of what lies ahead.

  1. Why does Odysseus decide to tell his men about Circe’s forecast?

    1. What does Odysseus reveal about his character by sharing this information with his men?  

    2. Circe insists that Odysseus alone should listen to their song.”  He directs his crew to “tie me up…lashed to the mast, and if I shout and beg to be untied, take more turns of the rope to muffle me.”  What leadership qualities does Odysseus demonstrate here?

    3. What character traits are revealed in Odysseus’ desire to hear the Sirens’ song?  “I carved a massive cake of beeswax into bits / and rolled them in my hands until they softened … Going forward / I carried the wax down the line, and laid it / thick on their ears..”

    4. Consider this action along with their successful escape and assess the leadership qualities revealed by Odysseus. 

Odysseus told his men about what is going to lie ahead so they can be prepared for what is going to happen. He revealed that he is a leader and able to trust his crewmates with information. When Odysseus told his crew to tie him up so he can listen to the siren’s songs shows leadership since he is the one listening to their music and not putting his crewmates at risk. His listening to the Siren’s song shows how he is hungry for knowledge and wants to know more knowing the risks. When the crew managed to escape without anyone getting hurt shows how strong of a leader Odysseus is.

  1. Read the “Siren’s Song ” on the next slide.  Analyze the strategy sirens use to lure the men. What are they appealing to; in an effort to lure the men in?

    1. How do the sirens use flattery to lure the soldiers?  

    2. What examples would appeal to the crew and to the epic hero?

The strategy that the sirens used to lure the men is that they go on about their accomplishments and compliments them even more. Telling them their desires and what they want in life. The example that would appeal to the crew and the hero is praising them for their accomplishments and fame.

  1. What does an analysis of the Siren Song suggest about the idea of  human flattery?

    1. Why are we, as humans, susceptible to a figurative “Siren’s Call?”

    2. How can the sirens represent both desire and distraction?

The analysis of the Sirens Song suggests that humans desire flattery and praise for what they do. Sirens represent both desire and distraction because they tell you your desires with distracted you from what your true goal is. Humans have desires even if it’s smalls and the sirens are the distractions from your true goal.


In this lesson, we were really able to grasp the understanding of greek traditions and how they honor their dead, and what happens if not done. We read and discussed the story, Land of the dead, and be able to see Odysseus’ true character how he promised a crewmate of his a proper burial. How after seeing his dead moth not communed by his emotions and able to lead his crew. In the next lesson, we learned how sirens and humans are almost figurative. How sirens represent desire and distraction while humans are greedy for their desires to come true. How sirens can apply to many things in life. From this lesson, I was able to get a better understanding of Odysseus and his accomplishments and development of character.s

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