Thursday, May 20, 2021

Blogger #28 - Ethan Sadykhov - Period 1 - 5/18/2021 - Day A

Aim: How does “The Cattle of the Sun God” episode illustrate the culminating challenge Odysseus faces as a leader?


Shortly after joining the zoom call and taking attendance we started the day off with a review of “The Cattle of the Sun God”, a portion of Odyssey book 12, which we were supposed to read and annotate for hw the cycle prior.

“The Cattle of the Sun God” pdf [5.5 pgs]

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After answering the brief questions on the review kahoot the class moved onto slide 2, where we had a class discussion. The question/topic was “How would you feel if you asked someone(you highly trusted) NOT do something, and they did it anyway? What would you do?” A few students gave responses. Benjamin stated that he would lose that person’s trust unless they give him a good reason as to why they did what they did. John expressed that he is fine if they did something without him but if they did something he explicitly told them not to do he will feel betrayed, but in the end he will still be friends with them but they will no longer have his trust. Milana said she would be disappointed and mad, that she would still be friends but would be more distanced and without her trust.

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After the class discussion about the question “How would you feel if you asked someone(you highly trusted) NOT do something, and they did it anyway? What would you do?” We had another class discussion. In this discussion the question/topic was “Eurylochus is also Odysseus’ brother in law and shows loyalty to Odysseus; until this point. A. Why do you think there was a change in his character in “The Cattle of the Sun God”? B. What reason does Eurylochus give the crew members to justify the betrayal of Tiresias’ warning to Odysseus?” Some responses were given by students. Alyssa stated that Eurylochus may not want to work under Odysseus anymore. Sofia M said that he told the warriors that it is a more honorable death to die by the hands of the gods rather than by starvation. Emily expressed that they did not want to disappoint because they will be shamed for dying by hunger rather than in battle. Alyssa stated that maybe he wanted to show that he was brave.

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After answering the questions on the previous slide we moved on to the next slide where there were a few questions. A question was “How do their behaviors present a role reversal?(Consider their actions/behaviors on Circe’s island in comparison.)” Edward stated that on Circe’s island Eurylochus was cowering wanting to stay behind. But now he urges to take the wrath of the gods even though told not to. The next question was “How do the men react to these warnings, and what is the significance of their reactions? Hannah answered that they were still eating for a few days. Edward stated that since they were going to die they would die with full stomachs.

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After answering the previous questions about role reversals and warnings/omens, we moved to the next slide. This slide had a few questions on it with teamwork. Question 1 was “What similarities do you see Eurylochus’ speech to the crew in this episode and Odysseus’ speech in “Scylla and Charybdis””? Milana stated that the similarities were that they would rather die in war than die in a foolish way. Katherine said that they were targeting the crew’s morale. Question 2 was “In “The Cattle of the Sun God”, what does the wrath of the gods say about their involvement amongst mortals”? Benjamin expressed that they were very involved because they didn’t try to hold back. Julianna said that they were involved because Helios literally asked Zeus to kill them. Emily said that they were involved but gave many warnings. Question 3 was “What details in lines 920-921 clarify the flashback presented here? Edward stated that you can see that it was still being told from Odysseus’ point of view.

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After answering the teamwork questions we moved on to the next slide. This slide had a class discussion question. The question was “Do the members of the crew deserve the punishment they receive for killing the cattle?.Explain” Edward stated that they should be punished because they all ate the cattle. I expressed that they all should be punished but Eurylochus' punishment should be more severe due to the fact he convinced everyone else to eat the cattle.

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After answering the question we went over the hw and were dismissed for the day.


What did I learn?-

I learned about the severity of the involvement of the gods. I learned about the journey of Odysseus and his crew. I learned about the fate of his crew. I learned about the god Helios and his cattle.

Why did I learn it?-

I learned about this because it gives us a broader understanding of the Odyssey and his journey home.

How will I use what I learned-

I will use what I learned in our soon to be due postcard project.

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