Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Blogger #28 - Daniel Varushev - Period 5 - 5/24/21 - Day B

 Aim: How can we use the theory of neuroplasticity to analyze Odysseus as a dynamic character?


The class started with a video about what neuroplasticity is. The video we watched on YouTube informed us that for a long time scientists believed that after childhood the brain development is completed. However, new research information says that the brain is dynamic. When an action is done repeatedly, the brain develops stronger links to that action which eventually turns it into habit. The class discussed the people’s willingness or hesitance to try new and unusual activities.

Learning agility

Next task of the class was to read an article about learning agility. Learning agility is how quickly people learn and the flexibility with which they apply that learning. A hallmark of the agile learner is their ability to learn from previous experience and apply that learning in current situations. 

Why do some people have different learning agility than others? One of the reasons is a mindset. There are two main types of mindsets when it comes to learning. You have a growth mindset and a static mindset. A static mindset is when a person thinks their abilities are fixed. A growth mindset is when a person thinks their abilities are not fixed and can improve with work. According to science and neuroplasticity, a growth mindset is the correct way of thinking. 



Many people think that acts of courage are facing danger, risking your life, or massive feats. However, there are several types of courage. One of these types is personal courage. Personal courage is about taking actions when we experience anxiety due to uncertainty or risk. Personal courage can help us to increase our learning agility.

Dynamic vs static character

Next task of the class was to discuss the differences between a dynamic and static character.

Dynamic character : Changes throughout the course of the story.

Static character : Stays the same throughout the course of the story.

One example of a dynamic character is the fox from Zootopia. At the beginning of the movie, the fox is a criminal, not paying taxes and scamming animals. However, as the movie progresses, the fox becomes more on the side of the law and reputable. Eventually, at the end of the movie the fox becomes a police officer.

15  RL SP: Odyssey Argus

Aim: How are ancient Greek values of respect and loyalty for family revealed in the episodes, “Twenty Years Gone…” & “Argus” in Homer’s Odyssey?

This lesson started with two quotes and we are asked how these quotes relate to the story “Twenty Years Gone.”

These quotes are related to the text as even though Odysseus was gone for a long time, Penelope was still faithful to him and never chose a new husband. 

Recap of the story:

  • Athena turns Odysseus into an old beggar. 

  • Athena shows favor and respects Odysseus. This is because Odysseus shows traits that are most important to Athena.

  • When Odysseus greets his son Telemachus, he does not believe that Odysseus is his father, but then, Athena turns Odysseus back into his normal form and they recognise each other and have an emotional reunion.

  • Telemachus reveals that there are throngs of young, strong suitors trying to court Penelope. 

  • Odysseus and his son hatch a plan to get rid of all the suitors.

What is a motif?

Another topic that was discussed in class was about motifs. A motif is a recurring image, spoken or written word, sound, or act that has a symbolic meaning. Since a motive is repeating, it can produce a theme. 

The next lesson was 16  RL SP Rev: "The Suitors" & "Penelope"

Aim: How does Homer further develop Odysseus’ characterization as a cunning hero in his exchange with both the suitors and his wife, Penelope?

During class we skipped over the class discussion but I still wrote down my thoughts about it.

Imagine a family member or a close friend of yours has disappeared for twenty years.  

  1. Do you think you’d be able to maintain your hope and spirits that they would someday return?   

I would still maintain a little hope but I would know that it is very unlikely.

  1. Would you assume they were possibly gone forever?  

Depending on the situation, I would assume they were gone forever. If 20 years have gone by without a word, it is very unlikely you will see them again.

  1. How would you continue to conduct  your life in their absence?

I would most likely be sad for a while but I would  move on and find new friends. 

TEAMWORK: “The Suitors”

  1. Review Odysseus’ response to Antinous in lines 1241-1246 below:

“…Antinous / hit me for being driven on hunger - / how many bitter seas men cross for hunger! / if beggars interest the gods, if there are Furies / pent in the dark to avenge a poor man’s wrong, then may / Antinous meet his death before his wedding day!”

The furies were three goddesses of vengeance and retribution and they punished men for crimes challenging the natural order. The natural order is like a social pyramid. At the very top, you have the god, then angels, then kings and queens, and so on.

  1.  In what ways has Antinous gone against the “natural order” resulting in Odysseus’ call on the Furies?

Odysseus is the king of Ithaca and Antinous harmed Odysseus in his own kingdom. This goes against the natural order as Odysseus is higher than Antinous on the social pyramid.

  1. In line 1251, Homer states that the “rest [of the suitors] were mortified” by Antinous’ actions. 

  1. How does Antinous behave towards Odysseus (who is disguised as a beggar)?

Antinous behaves poorly towards Odysseus and even throws a chair at him.

  1. What ancient Greek customs and beliefs (previously learned) are being challenged by Antinous’ behavior? 

Antinous challenges the Greek custom of hospitality. Antinous did not give Odysseus  food or treat him with respect, even going as far as throwing objects at him.

  1. Describe Penelope’s reaction to the events in the hall. Hint: Start at line 1266. What does this line in particular reveal to us about the life she has been living?

Penelope’s life has been terrible since Odysseus left. Penelope is being harassed by the suitors to hurry up and finish the shroud she is weaving. 


This class lesson introduced a concept of  neuroplasticity, which in my opinion  is very important. According to neuroplasticity, the mind isn’t fixed. This fact means that it is never too late to learn new skills or improve myself.  In a way, my class and I could all learn from Greek hero Odysseus and his learning agility.

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