Thursday, May 27, 2021

Blogger #25 - Andy Weng - Period 9 - 3/26/21 - Day C

 Aim: How can we use the poem, “This is Just to Say” by William Carlos Williams as inspiration for own poems?

Do Now: Describe a time when you or someone you know did something that was “technically wrong” and you should have felt sorry for it but you didn’t. 

I don’t remember anything in the past that I should have felt sorry for because if I did, I will think it did not happened 

 This Is Just To Say


I have eaten

 the plums 

that were in 

the icebox

and which

you were probably 


for breakfast

Forgive me

 they were delicious

 so sweet

and so cold

   When I finished the poem I read the background of it and I learned that William Carlos Williams wrote a quick note and put it on the refrigerator. Then I read the next poem which is

Variations on a Theme

by William Carlos Williams


I chopped down the house that you had been saving to live in next summer. I am sorry, but it was morning, and I had nothing to do

and its wooden beams were so inviting.


I gave away the money that you had been saving to live on for the

next ten years. The man who asked for it was shabby

and the firm March wind on the porch was so juicy and cold.


Last evening we went dancing and I broke your leg. Forgive me. I was clumsy and I wanted you here in the wards, where I am the doctor!

-- Kenneth Koch 

I am not in the online class so doing the activity is going to be boring doing with no one. I read the section “Using Imagery in Poetry”, in that section I learned that imagery is important in a poem. Imagery can create an experience allowing others to feel what we feel and how it looks.

example of imagery:

the clouds collapsed,

they’re touching the ground

trying to come alive,

but they can’t.

This poem shows the landscape and how hopeless it is.

My heart was warm,

Like the swelling waters of the ocean,

 Just basking in the first rays of morning sun

This poem shows how the ocean and the sun represents your happiness 

I felt the end of something great,

Like when you take the last bite of birthday cake,

And all that’s left is a few powdery crumbs on your frosting streaked dish

This poem shows the sadness in the last bite of cake and the crumbs on the frosting streaked dish.

“Fast Break” By Edward Hirsch

A hook shot kisses the rim and

 hangs there, helplessly, but doesn’t drop,

and for once our gangly starting center 

boxes out his man and times his jump

perfectly, gathering the orange leather

 from the air like a cherished possession

and spinning around to throw a strike

 to the outlet who is already shoveling

an underhand pass toward the other guard 

scissoring past a flat-footed defender

who looks stunned and nailed to the floor

 in the wrong direction, trying to catch sight

of a high, gliding dribble and a man 

letting the play develop in front of him

in slow motion, almost exactly

like a coach’s drawing on the blackboard,

  both forwards racing down the court

 the way that forwards should, fanning out

and filling the lanes in tandem, moving

 together as brothers passing the ball

between them without a dribble, without

 a single bounce hitting the hardwood

until the guard finally lunges out

 and commits to the wrong man

while the power-forward explodes past them

 in a fury, taking the ball into the air

by himself now and laying it gently

 against the glass for a lay-up,

but losing his balance in the process,

 inexplicably falling, hitting the floor

with a wild, headlong motion

 for the game he loved like a country

and swiveling back to see an orange blur

 floating perfectly through the net.

When I finish I start working on finding more where it shows literature devices or techniques. I found “while the power-forward explodes past them in a fury”, it shows a strong choice of words and it also shows imagery. This line “A hook shot kisses the rim and hangs there, helplessly, but doesn’t drop,” this shows imagery of how the basket in game stays in place like it a statue.

Aim: How has poetic expression evolved in the 21st century?

Do Now: With your TEAMS discuss the following; Do you believe technology and the 21st century are ruining literature as we know it? Why or why not? 

I think no because literature is written works and for technology you can also type things out which also count as literature.

I watch the video then I read the short poems and poetry can be found anywhere in social media.


I learned that imagery in poems shows others how they feel about something. That William Carlos Williams accidentally made a short poem from just writing a note on the fridge and how he only talks 20 seconds and the poem doesn't even rhyme. You can write a simple note and it can count as a short free verse poem.

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