Monday, May 10, 2021

Blogger #18 - Brandon Lam - Period 7 - 5/6/2021- Day C

Aim: How does The Odyssey, Book X further enhance our understanding of Odysseus’ plight; through his journey as a hero?


Describe a time when you, or someone you know, felt something had to be done out of obligation (a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment).  Tell the outcome.

Many people from the class talked about what they are obligated to do. (Homework, Doctor / Health, others in your family, society. 


  • An epithet is an adjective or a descriptive phrase that expresses a quality characteristic of the person or thing mentioned.

  • Homer repeatedly describes many of his characters or objects in his story with the same phrase.

  • Epithets are a common element of epic poems that let the reader easily identify the character or object (similar to a nickname!)

  • One character or object can be given many different epithets

We then were asked why does Homer use epithets.

It helps better understand a person, for example he makes Odysseus seem very intelligent, with phrases like, “The Great Tactician.” Furthermore, when epithet is present it makes characters more recognizable and can be seen when given traits. 

Group Discussion: 

Book X: 

  1. How does Odysseus and his men find themselves faced with a plethora of  problems?

  1. Evaluate the types of problems that they face. Can you assess if Odysseus’ men are solely to blame for their problems, and does Odysseus appear to be the constant problem-solver?  Or can you provide some other explanation for what’s at hand?

  1. How does Circe’s Island compare to the Land of the Lotus Eaters?

  1. How does her actions towards the men compare to the actions of the Lotus Eaters?

  2. Can one treatment be deemed as worse than the other?  Why/Why Not?

  3.Describe the “deal” Odysseus strikes with Circe, as well as her response/instructions.

  1. How does he feel about her directives? 

  2. Why is Odysseus’ heart “sore” and “troubled”? What does this reveal about his character? 

  3. Has he been faithful?

  1. Consider the “Do Now” topic of “obligation.”

  1. In which instances does Odysseus demonstrate his actions are motivated through “obligation” and not through some other force or factor?

  2. Consider the fact that a role-reversal occurs when Odysseus’ men remind him, after a year, that it’s time to return home.  Does this change your view of his “obligation”? Why/Why Not?

  1. Hermes has a reputation for “trickery.” Consider that he is the one who informed Circe that Odysseus would be coming, as well as he advised Odysseus as to how to “best” Circe with her magic potions and wand.  Do you believe that Hermes has used his “trickery” on one or both of them? Why/Why Not?

  1. Given this information, do you believe that Odysseus had to  go through with the “deal” with Circe? Why/Why Not?

  1. Based on your understanding of Epithets and their use, identify some epithets in Book X or from previous readings.

1. Odysseus’ men are to blame for their problems because they could have just not gone into the cave and caused so many problems for everyone which evidently resulted in death. 

2. Circe’s Island compares to the Land of the Lotus Eaters because there were consequences that affected both of the places. For example, the lotus makes you forget and on Circe’s Island you get turned into a pig. 

3. Odysseus’ deal with Circe is sleeping with her in exchange for her changing the men back to humans from her turning them into pigs. Although this isn’t right for Odysseus to cheat on his wife, Penelope, he saved a lot of his men from staying as pigs. He is faithful because he just wanted to get back to his wife and kid, thus the reason for him sleeping with Circe. 

4. An obligation that Odysseus had to do was when he slept with Circe, he did it to save his men and to try to return home. When the men remind him that a year has passed and they need to  return home, this does change my view of his obligation because he didn’t need to stay for that long, when he has people back home waiting for him to return. 

5. Hermes used his trickery on Odysseus because Odysseus wasted a whole year on Circes’ island. I believe he had to go through with the deal because that looked like the only way to save his men and himself. 

6. Some epithets used in the Odyssey are when people describe Athena as wise, bright eyed, etc.   

Reflection:  I learned about epithets, which are adjectives used to easier describe characters. I learned it because it would help me better identify and understand characters in the future. In the future I will create a profile for main characters that has a list of their traits and their ideals.

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