Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Blogger #25- Mohammed Rahman- Period 7- 5/20/21- Day C

 Aim: How does  "The Cattle of the Sun God" episode illustrate the culminating  challenge Odysseus faces as a leader?

Do Now: Kahoot


How would you feel if you asked someone (you highly trusted) NOT do something, and they did it anyway? What would you do?

Many classmates spoke on this topic saying that they would never forgive that friend or never talk to them. Christopher said that he would forgive the friend saying that if the friend did something that he told him not to there would most likely be a good reason for it. I also agree with him.


Lines 863-893

Eurylochus is also Odysseus' brother in law and shows loyalty to Odysseus; until this point.

Why do you think there was a change in his character in "The Cattle of the Sun God"?

What reason does Eurylochus give the crew members to justify the betrayal of Tiresias' warning to Odysseus?

The class said that Eurylochus’s character started to change as he led the emn and told them to eat Helios's cattle. Eurylochus believed it was better to die to the god than at sea to hunger.

What are some of the signs that the gods give to the men after they begin to eat the cattle? What are these signs an example of? (Reflect back to your reading of The Alchemist!)

Omen: Anything perceived or happening that is believed to portend a good or evil event or circumstance in the future (something of prophetic significance)

How do the men react to these warnings, and what is the

significance of their reactions?

The class discussed signs that the men saw about the cattle like how it was thundering for a few days. Another omen or sign that the men noticed was the meat moving and making. Overall the men ignored these omens and enjoyed the meat as they knew death would arrive soon.


  1. What similarities do you see in Eurylochus' speech to the crew in this episode and Odysseus' speech in “Scylla and Charybdis”?Lines 894-954

  2. In "The Cattle of the Sun God", what does the wrath of the gods say about their involvement amongst mortals?

    1. Assess their involvement!

    2. What are some of their behaviors/actions at this point of the episode?

  3. What details in lines 920-921 clarify the flashback presented here?

For question 2 I started the discussion in my group saying that the gods have flaws and they usually don’t deal with the mortals unless it has to do with them or if they can gain something. I said they can be petty and do things out of spite. One of teammates, Oscar, at first disagreed arguing that Helio only acted the how he did because it was his property but after explain how killing starving people for eating his cattle comes off as selfish he sided with me.


Do the members of the crew

deserve the punishment they receive

for killing the cattle?


There were 2 sides to this argument. One side believes that the men didn’t deserve to die because they were starving and desperate and needed food. While the other side disagreed saying that the gods gave multiple signs and chances to the men showing that they shouldn’t eat the cow.


In class we went over “The Cattle of the Sun God” and talked about the actions of Odysseus, Eurylochus, and the men. We learned about the character and learned that most of them act in selfish ways. We also learned about omens which is a device a writer uses to inform the characters in the story about future events. This lesson will be helpful in the future to identify omens and in the postcard project.

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