Monday, May 17, 2021

Blogger #26, Viviana Rescalvo, Period 1, 05/12/2021, Day A

 Aim: How can we evaluate Odysseus’ leadership through his decision making in his encounter with “Scylla and Charybdis in Homer’s Odyssey. 

The class started off with a short video on “The Trolly problem”. If there was a train, and it would either kill five workers on the railroad, or you could sacrifice just one person, which one would you choose?  In simple terms, the trolly problem is based on an individual's morals, values, and decision making skills in which they must choose one out of different difficult situations that they believe will give them the best possible outcome. Me and my classmates then did a kahoot when we were given different situations and we had to choose just one solution. 


We then moved on to reading some background information about Scylla and Charybdis. 

WIth this information, we learned just how dangerous both of these monsters are to tackle (two evils). Then we read about Odysseus’ encounter with them both and the tough decision he had to make.

Odysseus had to make the decision of whether he was going to pass through Charybdis and risk the lives of all who were on the boat, or sacrifice just six of his men to Scylla. He made the choice of passing through Scylla (the less of two evils). 

Extra Help: 

We can relate the story of Scylla and Charybdis to the trolly problem because we see how Odysseus had to choose whether to sacrifice just six people or lose everything they have worked so hard and long for. 

Guiding questions: 


Allusions (different from illusions) can be found in many different places. From movies to music, allusions are subtle references that many people don’t even realize if they view it once. 

Here are some examples: 

The simpsons in reference to harry potter and the chamber of secrets 

The simpsons in reference to Thelma and Louise 


Although we may not realize it, we all encounter situations like the trolly problem regularly. It is good to learn when we must use our morals and values and incorporate them into our everyday decisions . Allusions are also commonly found, and can help us expand our knowledge of literature and arts as well as being able to correlate them with other pieces as well. These skills are great assets in making well developed writing pieces that can have a little twist to it if liked. Additionally, we are learning more about Odysseus and how we can characterise him. 

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