Sunday, May 9, 2021

Blogger #15 - Christopher Lin - Period 9 - 4/28/2021 - Day C

 Aim: How can a concise understanding of both an epic poem and the Iliad enhance our reading of the Odyssey?


For the following quotation:

"The ordinary man is involved in action, the hero acts. An immense difference."

- Henry Miller

1. Interpret it in your own words

2. Then Agree or disagree with the sentiment being

expressed and explain why or why not.

The class went on a discussion about what a means to be a hero during Greek and if we can consider people during the time heroes in general in addition we were on discussion by group work of said question.

Aim: How can a concise understanding of both an epic poem and the Iliad enhance our reading of the Odyssey?

Afterwords the teacher where are the discussion explaining what Greek hospitality is and also the prologue to the odyssey. As the teachers explains what caused the Trojan war the teacher also mentioned the apple of discord, and how it contributes to the start of the Trojan war the teacher ends the discussion, explaining how knowing the Trojan war will help us understand the odyssey

Aim: How does a writer create effects through the connotations of words and images? 


What if life had a RESET button?

It’s a terrible thing to drop your grandmother’s prized china vase on the kitchen floor. And did you really have to be so mean to your sibling yesterday? At one time or another, we’ve all done or said something that makes us cringe with regret. We wish we could turn back the clock by a minute or a day and just do the whole thing over.

Based on your understanding of the aforementioned,

share a time when you did or said something that you regret, and explain why you felt that way.

Today in class the teacher had us, How words can have multiple meanings and how we can use that word to describe other words even if the two words are nothing in common.Afterwords the teacher how to split into groups of individuals,Working on five different questions 

Afterwords the teacher had us apply our knowledge of the lesson, to by highlighting the examples of said things.

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