Friday, May 7, 2021

Blogger #16, Ariana Huang, Period 2, 4/26/2021, Period 2

 Freshman 2021

Blog #2                                                                                                      04/26/2021

Ariana Huang                                                                                      Day B Period 2

Aim: (3 RL)How does Homer’s invocation establish tone for the beginning of the Odyssey? 

Do Now: Class Discussion
How do you become inspired? Where does it originate?

**Team name changes**

Team 1: The Explorers 

Ayah: “I feel like anyone can be inspired by anything. There is not anything specific but there can be something you can be inspired by....Everyone has their own subjective different things.”

Jerry: “Good deeds.”

Tuba: “Being inspired by someone is the reflection of yourself…”

Fiona: “I get inspired by anything around me. It could be anything like nature.”

Asdaq: “I think inspiration happens from a series of events or events of people.. Looking positively.”



Watch this video!

The Nine Muses

Muses serve as inspiration for poets and artists. In Greek mythology, these muses were the goddesses of arts, literature, and science. The nine muses were Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melopomeni, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania, and Calliope. 

Invoke: A call on in prayer, as a witness, or for inspiration

Homer’s invocation pays homage to the nine muses and to Ancient Greek culture in general. 

  • Expresses the purpose of the narrative

  • Incorporates the tradition familiar to his specific audience

Homer’s Invocation 

Group Discussion- Whole Class Discussion

1)What is your opinion of Odysseus so far after hearing Homer’s invocation to the muses and learning about the Trojan War? 

Opinion on Odysseus is that he doesn’t seem like a good person and he’s not doing it for a good cause. He’s involved with the Trojan House and looting. He was pretty reckless because he got his crewmates into a problem.

2)How does Homer maintain the  audience’s interest in the story, knowing that the audience is aware of the outcome from the very beginning?

Homer maintains the audience’s interest in the story by giving really detailed flashbacks. 

3)What does the invocation of the Muse in the opening lines clarify about Odysseus’ culpability (responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame) during his voyage home?

The invocation of the Muse clarifies that Odysseus is responsible for his crew and it mentions how they’re reckless. He plays a role of being wrong.

Anticipation Guide

Aim: (4 RL) How does “Sailing from Troy” and “The Lotus Eaters” (Book IX) establish Odysseus’ role as a leader?

Vanessa and Fiona: Family and friends

Marooha: The familiarity of being home



Indirect Characterization

SPEECH- What does the character say?

How does the character speak?

THOUGHTS- What is revealed through the character’s private thoughts and feelings?

EFFECTS- What is revealed through the character’s effect on other people?

How do other characters feel or behave in reaction of the character?

ACTIONS- What does the character do?

LOOKS- What does the character look like?

How does the character dress?

Sailing from Troy (lines 18-69)

Whole Class Discussion

1.Keep in mind that the Odyssey is the account of Odysseus’ ten year journey back home to Ithaca. He misses his family and home; therefore, we will often find connections to this throughout the poem. 

Identify lines in which Odyessus talks about his home Ithaca.

  • How does he feel about it? (Specific lines/evidence that describe these feelings)  


The nine muses played an important role in poems. They were greek goddesses that ruled over art and science and inspiration in those subjects where in this lesson is art (poetry). We went over the Odysseus and how we view him with the specific words Homer used. 

What did I learn?

I learned that we can view characters from stories in different ways in different ways using STEAL. There is direct and indirect characterization which is when the author either tells or shows the personality of the characters. 

Why did I learn it?

I learned about characterization and the nine muses because they help us understand the poem and what’s going on in the story. Homer pays invocation to the nine muses for inspiration. 

How will I use what I learned?

I will use what I learned throughout reading every story from now on. I am able to recognize if the author is using direct/indirect characterization to make us think about how the character is described and their feelings. Odysseus was not a good person for not being a good ship captain and leaving his crewmates behind. But, he was also gone from his kingdom and his wife for ten years. However, behind the bad things he was also loyal, brave, and smart. He tricked the kingdom of Troy using a wooden horse to get his wife back. He also didn’t give up on getting Penelope back and spent ten years of his life to also get back to her afterwards.

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