Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Blogger 16 - Ivan Lai - Period 1- 11/30/20 Day A - Freshman 2021

Blogger 1, Ivan Lai, Period 1, 11/30/20, Day A - Freshman 2021

Aim: How can our knowledge and experience with poetry and poetic techniques ensure the successful creation of our Poem Anthology Project?

Do Now: How do you usually feel when you learn you are being assigned a new project? Why?

- Today we were assigned a project which had us write a poetry anthology, which is a collection of works. Using our knowledge of sonnets and figurative language, we must include 4 poems and 1 poem must be written like an extended metaphor. Pictures should be included, either hand-drawn or copy and pasted from the Internet.

- All poems must satisfy the scoring criteria to receive maximum credit.

- You MUST include a creative cover with your full name, period, cycle letter, and team group, a table of contents showing where each poem would be located, an introduction, a reflection, and drawings and photos. One of the poems must be an extended metaphor and must be annotated.

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