Monday, December 7, 2020

Blogger #17 Anthony K Lai, Pd 9, 12/2/20 Cycle C

 Today's lesson we went over all the requirements for the Poem Anthology Project that is due on the 22nd of December. 

Aim: How can our knowledge and experience with poetry and poetic techniques ensure the successful creation of our Poem Anthology project?

Anthology: A collection of poems or writings. 


How do you usually feel when you learn you are being assigned a new project? Why?

My response was: I cringe when I see a project assigned, then I put it off until the last day. 

My classmates’ answers were more thorough, saying that they feel stressed when they see a new project, either feeling like they should get it done quickly, or procrastinate like me. 

The Poem Anthology Project

Create a poetry anthology with 4 original poems with at least one poem structured like an extended metaphor. 

Refer to your word pool for inspiration for making poems.

The Requirements:

  1. A creative cover - can be either drawn or pieced together with images. a) Must include your first and last name, team name and cycle letter.

  2. A table of contents - a page dedicated to listing the poems in your anthology. a) List your (1) Free Verse, (2) Extended Metaphor, (3) Sonnet, then the (4)          Additional Poem.

a) Have your poem’s name then the type of poem then the page number.

EX: Evangelion-Sonnet-Page 4 

  1. An introductory paragraph, introducing the basis of your poem choices 

  2. Free Verse poem a) You can either modify the free verse you did on your pastime poem and use that or make an entirely new one.

b) The poem’s message should not be interpretable, it should be clear.

  1. Extended Metaphor

a) Must be annotated by you, highlighting poetic choices like we did in The Bells.

  1. Sonnet

  2. The additional poem

a) If you choose another extended metaphor be sure to annotate it as well.

  1. Your reflection

a) Share your experience crafting your Anthology

b) Explain your style of Poetry and the theme you wanted to express in them.

Important notes discussed afterwards:

  1. Include a footnote in your poem IF you feel like your poem needs some context for your reader to understand.

  2. You can use your wordpool you made for inspiration, however if you don’t want to that is fine. 

  3. Include pictures and/or drawings to couple with your poems. 

Break Out Rooms:

We viewed examples of each style of poem we need to create. They show us how it should be structured and the format we need to follow. 

While in our breakout rooms we pitched drafts of our poems for feedback, focusing on the first 3 parts of the writing process chart Ms. Peterson gave us. She also advised us to tackle the poem we thought we would have the most trouble with first, for me it was the Sonnet. 


I felt like the Anthology Project is supposed to show how we feel about certain topics (what our poems are gonna be around), along with showing our progress in the 3 kinds of poems we’ve learned so far, Free Verse, Extended Metaphor, Sonnet. The process of creating the poems, I feel like, is supposed to be enlightening, as we figure out what we want the poems to be about. 

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