Monday, December 7, 2020

Blogger 19- Nicole Lin - Period 1- 12/3/20 Day A - Freshman 2021

Blogger #19 - Nicole Lin - Period 1 - 12/3/20 - Day A - Freshmen 2021

Aim: How can an understanding of Greek myths and heroes prepare us for our examination of Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey?


With a partner, brainstorm and list qualities that you feel belong to a “hero”. Then create a unified, working definition of “hero” to share with the class.

Our class discussed what makes a hero a “hero”. For the most part our class agreed that heroes have to have a sense of courageousness. Although, there was a debate about whether or not heroes had to have superhuman abilities to be a hero or not. Since we’re only humans, power doesn’t exist which has caused the debate.

We learned how Greek religions are similar to modern day religions. Both periods believed that gods existed and it was essential to worship the gods to gain success and stay alive. It was traditional to pass the story of their gods to the next generation.

Stories of the gods were written in epics to educate the next generation about important figures during that time. Epics were a long, narrative poem about a legendary hero. Epics not only tell the story of important figures, it explains the adventures the figure had, for example, the quests and the places of those quests the figure had to go through.


Draw your own conclusion on this argument. Do you agree or disagree with the concept that the word “hero” has become overused? Why or why not?

Coming back from our group breakout rooms, some groups agreed that the word “hero” has been overused, while others disagree that the word “hero” has been overused. The groups that believe “hero” has been overused, say that the word can be referred to any human on a deed they’ve done. No matter how small the deed was, they can still be called heroes. While the others say the real heroes are often referred to as people that have superhuman powers instead of humans that have just done a small deed.

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