Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Blogger #31 - Crystal Yeung - Period 1 - 12/21/20 - Day A - Freshmen Lit 2021

Blogger #31 - Crystal Yeung - Period 1 - 12/21/20 - Day A - Freshmen Lit 2021

RL: 5 The Odyssey: Cyclops

HOUSEKEEPING: First, we did attendance for the class. Next, she explains the different things posted today. The Post Card mini-project assigned is due January 15th and for the project, everyone will be making 2 locations and which point of the journey for the 2 postcards. More information about this project will be on the Post Card Mini project google document. Second, there is a virtual debate which is The Odyssey: Polyphemus vs. Odysseus Virtual Debate. She posted an assignment where you can write down your statement and then also debate with another classmate’s statement.

AIM: How do Odysseus' actions in "The Cyclops" support or refute his epic character?


As previously discussed, the term, “Xenia” is the ancient Greek concept of hospitality, the generosity and courtesy shown to those who are far from home and/or associates of the person bestowing guest-friendship. The rituals of hospitality created and expressed a reciprocal relationship between guest host.

Therefore, based on your understanding of the term, how important do you believe this attribute or behavior is to exemplify? Why?

My Response- This is an important attribute because being hospitable can be a sign of respect. You must treat others how you want to be treated

Joshua J - It’s important to treat others how you want to be treated

Marianna - Important to treat others the way you want to be treated for example in beauty and the beast, a witch cursed the beast because he was rude to her and he needed to find Bella to break the curse.

Shilin - Important because if you show poor house manner they won’t like you or want to associate with you. If you do show house manner they will think you’re respectful and want to associate with you


Reflect on the heroes you have encountered throughout your life, in various forms: literature, movies, or TV. Identify any weaknesses the hero(es) may have, and explain how it impairs their ability.

Joshua - enemy takes advantage of hero loved ones

Chase -Most heroes have weapons for example superman has a suit, their weakness could be not having their weapon bc it could e a big source of their power

Oriana - mental weakness, lost a loved one and affect the ability to fight


Homeric simile - also known as epic simile, elaborate comparisons consisting of many lines between two different objects using “like”, “as”, “so”, or “just so”. It is a comparison made between something unfamiliar or strange to the audience and something that is more familiar to them. We often use short similes in everyday speech, like the example, “She’s tough as nails.” A Homeric Simile, however, is used to redirect the reader’s attention in unexpected, humorous, gruesome, or heroic ways.

Why might homer to choose to use this technique?

Use objects of comparison that were familiar with the audience, meant to ensure you understand the visual being presented, can help glorify his characters, enrich his texts and deepen the readers understanding

What is foreshadowing - when future events in a story or the outcome is suggested by the author before they happen, author gives hints various technique: supernatural elements, a dialogue of a character

Build an atmosphere, build suspense, and inform readers about what possible things might happen in the future.

Hubris - extreme of foolish pride or dangerous overconfidence Can cause the character to disregard reality or offend the gods, often leading to their downfall

A character flaw is often seen in the heroes of classical Greek tragedies

Committing hubris was very much looked down upon in Ancient Greece

Usually a characteristic of an individual rather than a group

We spirit read The cyclops.pdf (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9xgktq1tg9eZkRKVWw4ODk2SnM/view?usp=sharing)


1) Based on your understanding of foreshadowing, review lines 153-156. How is foreshadowing used, and what exactly is being foreshadowed?

Foreshadowing is used to describe the cyclops size, they said there will be a brute. Polyphemus coming back and not respecting them is what is being foreshadowed.

2) What heroic qualities does Odysseus display thus far?
        a. What does the fact that he doesn’t want to attack the Cyclops reveal about his character?

The fact that Odysseus doesn’t attack the cyclops shows that he is smart because it wouldn’t have done anything if he attacked the cyclops. He is analytical and can assess the situation so he knows if he needs to retreat or attack.

3) Refer to line 232-243. How does Homer use figurative language to create imagery? (identify examples and explain their effect)

Homer used figurative language to create imagery by showing how the two people are small compared to Polyphemus. The 2 men were described as squirming puppies and it showed how those men could not escape.

4) How should we judge the heroic qualities of Odysseus based on his actions with the cyclops? (Heroic Qualities: Intelligence/Resourcefulness, Strength, Bravery and loyalty, Weakness)

We can judge the heroic qualities of Odysseus based on his actions with cyclops by showing that he is analytical and able to be cunning.

5) Contrast Polyphemus’ values and the values of Odysseus (hospitality [xenia], respect for the gods, protections for his men).
            a. Can you identify any qualities/characteristics that both Odysseus and Polyphemus share?
            b. If Odysseus represents civilization, and Polyphemus represents nature, what do you think Homer is saying about the relation of man to nature?
                    i. Can you see potential dangers (that are becoming increasingly evident, especially in the modern era) in this position taken by Homer?

Characteristics that both Odysseus and Polyphemus share is that they are both very prideful. Homer is saying that the relation of man to nature is that man is superior because while nature can be strong, man can learn and adapt a way to defeat nature. There can be potential dangers in this position because it can cause people to continue to hurt nature instead of maybe working with nature.

6) As previously discussed, the story is told through flashback (Odysseus is revealing the past events of his journey), therefore, how has Polyphemus’ curse impacted the course of Odysseus’ future.

Polyphemus’ curse impacted the course of Odysseus’ future by making his journey home bad. Since Odysseus was being too confident and told Polyphemus his name, Polyphemus used it against him. He reveals his dad is Poseidon and prays that Odysseus reaches home without any of his crew and for him to have a bad journey.


What did I learn? Why did I learn it? How will I use what I learned in the future?

Something I learned while reading The Cyclops is to not be foolishly prideful/confident. This led to Polyphemus getting blinded by Odysseus and his men but also led Odysseus to get cursed. When they are overly confident they both believe they are unbeatable and that ends up biting them in the butt. I can use what I learned to always work hard. For example, if I am the best at a sport on the team I have to make sure to not slack off. If I believed no one can surpass me I may stop practicing and everyone can surpass me.

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