Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Blogger #17 Eliot Livson, Pd 6, 12/1/20 Cycle B

RL: Poem Anthology Proj Assign - Eliot Livson Blog

Aim: How can our knowledge and experience with poetry and poetic techniques ensure the successful creation of our Poem Anthology project?

Before we begin doing the do now we had a class discussion on the aim. We had a group discussion about what anthologies are and other examples of them. Then be going the do now.


How do you usually feel when you learn you are being assigned a new project? Why?

A majority of the class agreed that being assigned a new project can be stressful and cause us to feel worried because the project is unknown and can be difficult and stressful.


After the do now we discussed the Poem Anthology Project Assignment. This slide included what our project was going to be on and what must be included in the project. Our Poem Anthology project is to create a poetry anthology with 4 original poems with at least one poem structured like an extended metaphor

Our anthology poem MUST INCLUDE:

  1. A creative cover, which clearly identifies your First and Last Name, period, TEAM NAME, and Cycle Letter. 

  2. A Table of contents,  clearly identifying each poem type [(1) free verse, (2) extended metaphor, (3) sonnet, and (4) an additional poem structure of your choosing] the Title, and the page number where it can be found.

  3. An introduction to the collection, explaining the basis for your poem choices.

  4. One poem must be your extended metaphor and must be annotated. Highlight some of your poetic choices just like we did in class, and explain the reason behind them.

  5. All 4 original poems should include complementary visuals/images/drawings.

  6. Your last page must include a reflection that explains the experience of creating poetry along with a discussion of the style, language choices, and thematic intent of your poems at the conclusion of your anthology. 

To better understand the project, Ms. Peterson gave us two example projects. These sample anthologies helped us better understand the requirements of the anthology we were going to write.

We then discussed the information of the project such as the due date and where to submit it. We also received an enrichment video to learn more about poetic devices if we needed it.

Poetic Devices Defined [4:02]

We then went after the rubric for the project.


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