Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Blogger #31 - Jayden Zhou - Period 2 - 12/21/20 - Day A

Aim: How do Odysseus’ actions in “The Cyclops” support or refute his epic character?

Do Now: Based on your understanding of the term “Xenia”, how important do you believe this attribute or behavior is to exemplify? Why?

Our class discussed that the term “Xenia” is extremely important because it identifies your character whether you are a host or a guest. As a host, it is their responsibility to treat guests with respect and ensure safety; otherwise, no one will show up. As a guest, it is their responsibility to treat the host with respect; otherwise the host would not invite the guest ever again. If both are treated fairly, it shows good moral values to society and therefore, good “Xenia”

Class Discussion: Reflect on the heroes you have encountered throughout your life, in various forms: literature, movies or TV.  Identify any weaknesses the hero(es) may have, and explain how it impairs their ability. 

In general, our class discussed that various heroes have various qualities such as power, determination, reasoning, and compassion. However, some weaknesses they might have include being too compassionate that they become vulnerable, being too arrogant that they become destructive, and having a weak understanding of society. These weaknesses may impair their abilities since they may do certain actions that may be questionable later on.

Key Vocabulary Words

Homeric simile

-Homeric simile are elaborate  comparisons, consisting of many lines,  between two different objects using “like”, “as”, “so”, or “just so”.  It is a comparison made between something unfamiliar or strange to the audience and something that is more familiar to them. It is used to redirect the reader’s attention in unexpected, humorous, gruesome or heroic ways.


-Foreshadowing is when future events in a story, or perhaps the outcome, are suggested by the author before they happen..  Foreshadowing can take many forms and be accomplished in many ways, with varying degrees of subtlety. However, if the outcome is deliberately and explicitly revealed early in a story, such information does not constitute foreshadowing.

For a better understanding:  Foreshadowing | Definition & Examples of Foreshadowing [2:31]


-Hubris is a Greek term that means excessive pride or over-confidence (Think arrogance). It may cause someone to disregard reality which will lead them to their downfall.

For a better understanding: What Is Hubris | Its Greek Origin & Usage In Modern Literature | Definition and Examples of Hubris [2:51]

Summary of “The Cyclops”

After discussing the key terms, our class took turns and read out loud “The Cyclops” (Link: "The Cyclops" [11 Pages]). To summarize, Odysseus’ crew got “stranded” on an island again in which is home to a powerful cyclops, Polyphemus. He and 12 of his crewmates explore the place only to get trapped inside Polyphemus’ home. However, being resourceful and cunning, Odysseus manages to escape along with his crewmates. Polyphemus, who gets very angry in the end, puts a curse on them which will impact the future of Odysseus’ travel…


  1. Based on your understanding of foreshadowing, review lines 153-156.  How is foreshadowing used, and what exactly is being foreshadowed?

Foreshadowing is used by revealing Odysseus’ thoughts on what might happen in the future. He had a feeling that he would have to deal with something very powerful, which turned out to be a cyclops; therefore, he brought some resources along with him.

  1. What heroic qualities does Odysseus display thus far?

Some heroic qualities Odysseus displayed so far include being resourceful (using what he has to escape a situation), being brave and loyal to his crewmates (he does not plan to leave his crewmates behind), and being clever (outsmarted the cyclops). 

  1. Refer to line 232-243. How does Homer use figurative language to create imagery?

Homer uses figurative language to create imagery. He uses a simile “Like squirming puppies” to show how powerless Odysseus and his crewmates are compared to the cyclops. His word choice and diction also helps the reader picture a cyclops eating crewmates in front of Odysseus’ face and how helpless he is.

  1. How should we judge the heroic qualities of Odysseus based on his actions with the cyclops?

We can judge the heroic qualities of Odysseus differently based on perspective. If you are on Odysseus’ side, you may think he is a definition of a hero since he helped save his crewmates (and himself) from a giant cyclops, who was about to murder them. However, if you are on the cyclops side, you may think that Odysseus did terrible actions since he broke into someone’s house, poked out his eye, and fled.

  1. Contrast Polyphemus’ values and the values of Odysseus (hospitality [xenia], respect for the gods, protections for his men). 

Polyphemus shows poor “xenia” when Odysseus and his crewmates enter his house. Rather than “welcoming” his crew, he ate up his men and offered them “death” the next day. Odysseus shows more respect and loyalty since he tries to find a way to escape the place along with his crewmates.

  1. As previously discussed, the story is told through flashback (Odysseus is revealing the past events of his journey), therefore, how has Polyphemus’ curse impacted the course of Odysseus’ future.

Polyphemus’ curse impacted the course of Odysseus’ future since it brought him and his crewmates misfortune along the way. Although Odysseus did return to his home, he and his crewmates had a hard time navigating, lost most of his crew, and suffered tragedies along the way. 


Today’s lesson was really long, but everyone made it through. This lesson made me better understand more of Greek culture and how they lived (“Xenia” and “Hubris”). The explanation of foreshadowing refreshed my mind and also gave me a better understanding. The reading was really enjoyable and suspenseful due to the literary devices like foreshadowing, diction, and figurative language. Finally, towards the end, I learned that someone’s opinion can change depending on how you view the situation. Using all the techniques mentioned here can not only help you understand The Odyssey better, but also help you in the future. 

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