Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Blogger #26 Winnie Wu Period 5 Dec. 14, 2020 Cycle B

 Aim: How does Homer’s invocation establish tone for the beginning of the Odyssey?


How do you become inspired? Where does it originate?

Many students shared how they became inspired. Some things that were shared are music, history, friends and family. I became inspired by other people’s work like books and art. I also became inspired by nature.

The Nine Muses

The nine muses are daughters of Zeus, the king of god and Mnemosyne, deity of memory. The nine muses are deities of inspiration. Each muse represents a different form of inspiration. Poet and other artists like Homer pay homage to goddesses for inspiration for the Odyssey.

Muses: The 9 Inspirational Goddesses of Greek Mythology - Mythology Dictionary - See U in History [3:06]



The Invocation of the Muse

Homer’s invocation pays homage (special honor and respect) to the goddesses and to Ancient culture in general.

  • Expresses the purpose of the narrative

  • Incorporates traditions familiar to his specific audience.

Invoke - to call on a deity as a witness or for inspiration 

Group Discussion 

After we read line 1-17 of Homer’s Invocation, we answer these questions in our group. Then we discuss it in class.

  1. What is your opinion of Odysseus so far after hearing Homer's invocation to the muses and learning about the Trojan War?

            Odysseus is brave and determined to bring his shipmate home safety. However he is also very reckless.

  1. How does Homer maintain the audience’s interest in the story, knowing that the audience is aware of the outcome from the very beginning?

            Homer maintains the audience’s interest by starting the story in the middle. He summarizes the adventure of Odysseus and his journey home. This made the audience wonder how he got there and what happened after. 

  1. What does the invocation of the Muse in the opening lines clarify about Odysseus’ culpability (responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame) during his voyage home?

            The invocation of the Muse clarifies that Odysseus did take responsibility for the wrong. In line 11, it stated that Odysseus’ recklessness was his fault and brought end to his crew.

Anticipation Guide

Please use the following link to complete the Anticipation GuideNote: If you’re having difficulty, you should also be able to access the form via the syllabus link and the form should open!  Lastly, any part of the survey not completed in class must be completed for Homework!  Remember to submit your responses upon completion.


I learned that Ancient Greek artists invoke the nine muses for inspiration for their art. This is shown in the beginning of The Odyssey when Homer asked the Muse of epic poems for help in telling the story of Odysseus. In addition, I learned that Homer started The Odyssey with a summary of the poem. This helped maintain the reader’s attention. These are important for the further understanding of the poem.

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