Monday, December 14, 2020

Blogger # 23 - Raymond Sun - Period 6 - 12/9/20 - Cycle Day B - Freshman 2021

 Blogger # 23 - Raymond Sun - Period 6 - 12/9/20 - Cycle Day B - Freshman 2021

Topic - 2 Odyssey: Apple of Discord & The Trojan War

Aim- How can a concise understanding of both an epic poem and the Iliad enhance our reading of the Odyssey?

Do Now: Think/Pair/Share For the following quotation:

For the following quotation:

"The ordinary man is involved in action, the hero acts. An immense difference."

- Henry Miller

 Interpret it in your own words 
The class agreed that the ordinary man would usually try and save himself first while a hero would out others towards safety while putting themselves at risk. One example I thought of was an ordinary man would run for their own life during a fire but a hero would save others before saving themselves.
 Then agree or disagree with the sentiment being expressed and explain why or why not.
Most students agreed with this quote because they thought a hero would risk their own lives for others while an ordinary man would not. 

While reading, consider the following questions:
How do the gods and goddesses in the story display human qualities? The god and goddess displayed human qualities such as greed. Thee powerful goddess, Hera, Athena and Aphrodite wanted to get the golden apple. When Aphrodite was selected, Hera and Athena were mad and furious. 
What is the role of prophecy and fate in "The Golden Apple of Discord?" The role of prophecy and fate saved Paris's life when his parents wanted to kill him to avoid the prophecy of the fall of Troy.
-  How does xenia play a role in King Menelaus’ treatment of Paris? How is this ironic? Xenia plays a big role in King Menelaus' treatment of Paris because at first, Menelaus treats Paris well and brought him hospitality while towards the end, he got mad because someone took his wife, which caused the fall of troy.




a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen.

a solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one's future action or behavior.

Consider the different denotative and connotative emphasis of these two words. 

How do they differ?

A promise and an oath differ because when a promise gets broken, there isn't much consequence, but an when an oath is broken, there are severe punishments since an oath is meant to not be broken.

What is Xenia?

Xenia is the ancient Greek concept of hospitality, the generosity and courtesy shown to those who are far from home and/or associates of the person bestowing guest-friendship. The rituals of hospitality created and expressed a reciprocal relationship between guest host.

Trojan War
  • Spartan King Menelaus’ wife Helen (the face that launched a thousand ships) left him for the young Prince Paris of Troy.

  • Paris, Prince of Troy, had sailed to Sparta to seize Helen

  • Odysseus (main character in the Odyssey) was one of the heroes of the Trojan War 

  • Odysseus knew from a prophecy that if he went to Troy it would take him a very long time to return home,  but as one of Helen’s previous suitors he had sworn an oath to protect her 

  • Came up with the strategy of using the Trojan Horse which would successfully lead to Troy’s collapse.

The Trojan Horse
  • Greeks constructed a giant wooden statue of a horse (a symbol of Troy) which they present to the city as a “gift”

  • Take their ships a mile away to look as though they had given up 

  • BUT there are Greek soldiers hiding in the horse 

  • Once inside the city, they wreak havoc by destroying the temples, slaughtering children, and enslaving the women

Importance of Homer's Epics 

>Values: honor, bravery, hospitality—"xenia", intelligence, respect for the gods, loyalty to home and family

>Major faults: disrespect for the gods

lack of hospitality

excessive pride—"hubris"

  • Iliad is the primary model for epic of war

Odyssey is the primary model for epic of the long journey


Throughout today's lesson, I learned terms such as "xenia" and "oath". I learned the difference between a promise and an oath. I found the story between the Trojan Horse and the downfall of Troy. I learned this because Homer's epics are still widely read and used in the unit of poetry. I can use these these terms like the Trojan horse as a phrase that means the inside is not always the same as the outside. I can also use my knowledge on this Greek lesson to help me in history class and prepared for next lessons. 

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