Thursday, December 17, 2020

Blogger #16 - Milana Kravets - Period 5 Day B - 12/1/20

 Freshman Lit 2021

Blogger #16 

Milana Kravets

Period 5

12/1/ 2020

Cycle B

Aim: How can our knowledge and experience with poetry and poetic techniques ensure the successful creation of our Poem Anthology project?

At first, the class discussed the meaning of the word “anthology”. Anthology means a collection of texts. In our case, this means a collection of poems. Then we began answering the Do Now question.

Do Now: Class Discussion

How do you usually feel when you learn you are being assigned a new project? Why?

Most students said that they feel dread, despair, and anxiety from projects. The majority of the class said this because they believe that projects take a great deal of time and effort to complete. Many students also tend to procrastinate, which might cause lots of trouble when dealing with projects. On the other hand, some classmates expressed that they feel pleasure when they are assigned a project, but only when it's a solo one, not a group undertaking. They said that they feel less stressed when there's a solo project, since they don't have to count on anyone, but themselves. It was at this time, Ms.Peterson revealed to us that we will be doing a solo project. 

Next, we discussed the requirements and the context of our project by spirit reading through the next slide.

Poem Anthology Project: Your assignment is to create a poetry anthology with 4 original poems with at least one poem structured like an extended metaphor

Your anthology MUST INCLUDE:

  1. A creative cover, which clearly identifies your First and Last Name, period, TEAM NAME and Cycle Letter. 

  2. A Table of contents,  clearly identifying each poem type [(1) free verse, (2) extended metaphor, (3) sonnet, and (4) an additional poem structure of your choosing] and the page number where it can be found.

  3. An introduction to the collection, explaining the basis for your poem choices.

  4. One poem must be your extended metaphor, and must be annotated. Highlight some of your poetic choices just like we did in class, and explain the reason behind them.

  5. All 4 original poems should include complementary visuals/images/drawings.

  6. Your second to last page, must include a reflection that explains the experience of creating poetry along with a discussion of the style, language choices, and thematic intent of your poems at the conclusion of your anthology.

Ms. Peterson explained that this project demonstrates how well we were able to grasp the topics and subjects over the past several weeks. She also clarified that this assignment is limitless and all up to us to decide what we want to write about. 

Next, we were shown an example of what a wonderful poem anthology would look like. This student’s work had a common theme throughout all her poems; however, Ms.Peterson assured us that this is not required. Then, the class was presented with another student's poem anthology. This student was less artistic, but her work was still exemplary. 

After we discussed the students’ works, we began to talk about the free verse poem that we already wrote about. Ms. Peterson informed us that we are able to use this poem as the additional poem of our choice, if we wished to. 

Then we spirit read the third slide, which gave us some advice on writing the poems. - 


  • Don't forget you have your WordPool as inspiration (you don't have to use it, but don't forget about it).

  • Additionally, it is very helpful for you to: 1) open a blank Google Doc, 2) go back through each lesson and copy the main points from each lesson, as well as the links/videos, so 3) you can use this doc as a guide while you are constructing your own poetry.

Ms. Peterson also attached an enrichment link, which will help us recall some poetic devices that we could use in our project.

Afterwards, we went over the rubric.

We discussed the scoring criteria and assessed that our goal is to do everything exemplary. 

Next, we went over to the Elevator Pitch and Consultant Protocol document. Ms. Peterson explained that if we would be learning in-person, we would complete this chart. We would pitch in some ideas and our classmates would advise us with some honest feedback. We could still complete the chart if we desire to and think that it might aid us. 

Moving forward, we discussed what poem we will have the most trouble writing. The class agreed that the extended metaphor will be the most challenging. These poems are usually more lengthier than the other poems. Also, in extended metaphors you need to incorporate a single metaphor in multiple lines using various images and ideas, which is complex for some students to do. We recognized that this poem would take us the more time to do, compared to the other poems. For this reason, Ms. Peterson encouraged us to tackle this poem first. Furthermore, Ms. Peterson expressed that time management is key and of the essence and that we should plan accordingly and wisely. 

Next, Ms. Peterson gave us 10 minutes to start working on our projects and to think of some ideas on what to write about. After 10 minutes passed, breakout rooms were initiated. In the breakout rooms, teammates shared some of their ideas and thoughts. My team also reviewed the main points of each type of poem. Then we were brought back into the main room and the lesson ended. 


In today’s class, we were introduced to our Poem Anthology Project. We learned about all the requirements of each poem and how to write it ideally. We were also given many tips on how to succeed. This project allows students to utilize their knowledge of all the poems we learned, to create their own unique pieces. Even though this project seems challenging, it contains many benefits. Writing poems will help to enhance your creativity, imagination, and ,in general, your poetry skills. Thus, assisting you to think deeper about the meanings in poems or any other piece of work in the future.

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