Thursday, December 17, 2020

Blogger #25 - Oluwabiyi Shittu - Period 9 - 12/17/20 - Day C - Freshmen Lit 2021

 Blogger #25 - Oluwabiyi Shittu - Period 9 - 12/17/20 - Day C - Freshmen Lit 2021

This lesson was about Homer’s invocation and the nine muses that it was dedicated to. The aim of this lesson is How does Homer's invocation establish tone for the beginning of the Odyssey?

A supplemental video to broaden your understanding of the muses is this :Muses: The 9 Inspirational Goddesses of Greek Mythology - Mythology Dictionary - See U in History [3:06]

There was a team name change today. While our names were based on the alchemist book before, we will now change our names to reflect those of the Odyssey unit. The team name my team came up with was “The Suitors” to reflect on Helen's suitors. My personal favorite name was team 5’s name, or the Nobodies.

Muses serve as inspiration for poets and other artists. In Greek mythology, there were nine goddesses of arts, literature and science that served as muses. One of nine Muses inspired different forms of prose, poetry, drama, rhetoric, or general writing. Homer’s invocation pays  homage (special honor and respect) to these goddesses and to Ancient Greek culture in general expresses the purpose of the narrative,incorporating traditions familiar to his specific audience.

A class discussion that we had was about inspiration. Many people drew on mediums that interested them. A common interest was Greek mythology, which is fantastic as that is our current unit. Other inspirations were art forms such as music, and athletes like Lebron James. 

The term invocation means invoking something or someone for assistance or as an authority. The task was to define this. Homer created an invocation to honor the Greek gods and Culture in general.

My opinion of Odysseus was that he was a skilled warrior. Homer keeps the attention of the audience through the journey. While we know the outcome at the beginning, the real appeal of the story is the journey. The invocation of the muse shows that Odysseus has no real control over his situation and this was none of his fault.

For the ending activity we were tasked with agreeing or disagreeing with many different statements. We had to choose one of these statements to pick a side on and make a paragraph defending that side. The statement I picked was “Revenge is Sweet”. My paragraph defending it was so. The statement “Revenge is Sweet” is true because while it is correct to forgive, the feeling of getting payback and equally wronging someone who wronged you is pure bliss. While this is the case, getting revenge might in turn cause the other person to retaliate and this could cause a cycle of revenge until someone decides to forgive.

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