Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Blogger #28 - Shuqing Wang -12/16/2020 - Period 1 - Day A - Freshmen Lit 2021

Blogger #28 - Shuqing Wang -12/16/2020 - Period 1 - Day A - Freshmen Lit 2021

Aim: How does “Sailing From Troy” and “The Lotus Eaters” (Book IX) establish Odysseus’ role as a leader?

Do Now: Team List

Consider the fact that Odysseus has been trying to return to his home in Ithaca for 10 years. Imagine being away from your home for that long. What would you miss the most and why? Why do we have sayings like the ones below?

After being away from home for 10 years, I would miss the food because I won’t be able to eat home cooking being so far away from home for so long. We have sayings like the ones below because it makes us appreciate our homes.


Team 1: Zeus and The Boys

Team 2: The Muses

Team 3: Argives

Team 4: The Olive Trees

Team 5: The Trojan Horses

Team 6: Achilles Heel

Characterization: The method by which an author creates the personality and appearances of their characters. 

Direct Characterization: The author makes a direct statement about the character. The author tells the readers what they want them to know. This can be revealed through the narrator or another character in the story.

Indirect Characterization: The author shows what they want the reader to know.
This can be expressed through the character’s actions, choices, dialogue/relationships with the other characters.

STEAL method for indirect characterization:

Speech- What does the character say? How does the character speak?

Thoughts- What is revealed about the character’s private thoughts and feelings?

Effect on others toward the characters- What is revealed through the character’s effect on other people? How do other characters feel or behave in reaction to the character?

Actions- What does the character do? How does the character behave?

Looks- What does the character look like? How does the character dress?

Below is a video of characterization lesson, using Disney Frozen (4:55)

Below is the link of the epic “Sailing from Troy” lines 18-69. 

Sailing from Troy (lines 18-69)

Group Work:

  1. Keep in mind that the Odyssey is the account of Odysseus' ten-year journey back home to Ithaca. He misses his family and home; therefore, we will often find connections to this throughout the poem.  

Identify lines in which Odysseus talks about his home in Ithaca.  

  • How does he feel about it? 

  • Odysseus felt that his home in Ithaca is where he is meant to be. He found his home to be comfortable and a place close to his heart.

  • Find lines & specific evidence that describe these feelings.  

  • Line 28:” I shall not see on earth a place more dear.” Line 35: “Where shall a man find sweetness to surpass his home and his parents?”

  • By saying that there is no sweetness to surpass his home and parents, it shows how much he misses and loves his home.


Below is the link to the epic “Lotus Eaters” lines 18-69

Lotus Eaters (lines 18-69)

Group Work:

    2. In your notes, summarize the key events in "The Lotus Eaters."

    When they are routed from Ismarus, Odysseus and his men are struck by storms for many days, until they finally see land: the Land of the Lotus Eaters. After disembarking, Odysseus sends a few men inland to see what the inhabitants are like. They discover the Lotus Eaters, who are friendly and offer them lotus. These men become drowsy and drugged, they neglected to return to Odysseus, who came looking for them. He dragged them back to the boats by force and, despite the pleasantness of the island and its inhabitants, he told his sailors to row away as quickly as possible, before anyone else succumbed to the land's lovely and lethal tranquility.

  1. What kind of world do you think the Lotus Eaters live in?

  • Describe the type of lifestyle it is?

    The Lotus Eaters live in a utopia because after eating the lotus. The people wanted to stay on the island and didn’t want to return home and didn’t want to go anywhere. They had a carefree lifestyle where they didn’t really think about anything else besides these areas and were attracted to the sweet lotus on the island.

    4. What do you think Homer is implying about this?
  • How does the Odyssey characterize the land of the Lotus-eaters as a veritable (real or genuine) paradise? And, why, then, is this land seen by Odysseus and others as negative, and something from which to escape? What do you think is wrong with such a place, if anything?

    Homer characterizes them as innocent, and that such a "sweet fruit" won’t be able to harm his comrades. Odysseus sees it as a negative place because the lotus flowers make his men forget about going home and make them want to stay forever. He also realizes that there’s something wrong with The Land of the Lotus Eaters, where this place appears as a place where they can stay without harm.

    5. Consider the kind of leader Odysseus appears to be in "Sailing from Troy."
  • How do his leadership abilities compare to how he is in "The Lotus Eaters?"

  • Has your opinion of him changed? Why/Why not?

  • Why do you think these events are important to understanding Odysseus' character?     Odysseus’ leadership abilities in “Sailing from Troy” are selfish because he plunders and raids Troy. However, in the “Lotus Eaters”, he starts to care about his men. He does anything he could to save them from the Lotus flowers and brings them back to their senses.



In this lesson, I learned about direct and indirect characterization. Direct characterization is when the author tells the readers what they want them to know. In indirect characterization, the author shows the readers what they want them to know. I also learned about Homer’s works, “Sailing from Troy” and “Lotus Eaters.” I was given a deeper understanding of Greek mythology and epics. For example, I learned about how Odysseus’ attitude and leadership change as they encounter many troubles. As I study the works of Greek poet Homer, I learned about the history of Greece. This will help me understand the purpose behind all of the epics.

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