Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Blogger #32 - Shilin Yu - Period 1 - 12/21/20 - Day A - Freshmen Lit 2021

Aim: How do Odysseus' actions in "The Cyclops" support or refute his epic character?

Do Now: As previously discussed, the term, “Xenia” is the ancient Greek concept of hospitality, the generosity and courtesy shown to those who are far from home and/or associates of the person bestowing guest-friendship. The rituals of hospitality created and expressed a reciprocal relationship between guest hosts.

Therefore, based on your understanding of the term, how important do you believe this attribute or behavior is to exemplify? Why?

I believe that this attribute or behavior to exemplify is very important. I believe this because having manners and being hospitable to guests are very significant things. If you were rude to guests, then others might not like you or they might not see you as someone to associate with. If you did honor “Xenia” and had good house manners shown to the guest, then they would see you as someone respectable and want to get to know you better and be your associate.

Ex: Beauty and the Beast, the Prince being cursed due to poor manners to the princess that had dressed as an wandering old woman.

Class Discussion: Reflect on the heroes you have encountered throughout your life, in various forms: literature, movies or TV. Identify any weaknesses the hero(es) may have, and explain how it impairs their ability.

Weakness: Mental issues like losing a loved one, getting their weapons taken away,

Homeric similes: also known as Epic Similes, are elaborate comparisons, consisting of many lines, between two different objects using “like”, “as”, “so”, or “just so”. It is a comparison made between something unfamiliar or strange to the audience and something that is more familiar to them

Foreshadowing: Future events in a story, or perhaps the outcome, are suggested by the author before they happen. They are usually considered to be ominous, warning signs, or signs of bad things to come. Foreshadowing can take many forms and be accomplished in many ways, with varying degrees of subtlety. However, if the outcome is deliberately and explicitly revealed early in a story (such as by the use of a narrator or flashback structure), such information does not constitute foreshadowing.

Foreshadowing can be shown through events, dialogue, super-natural events.

Foreshadowing | Definition & Examples of Foreshadowing [2:31]

Hubris: a greek term meaning excessive pride or overconfidence (Arrogance)

Examples: Icarus, Bellerophon, Arachne.

What Is Hubris | Its Greek Origin & Usage In Modern Literature | Definition and Examples of Hubris [2:51]

"The Cyclops" [11 Pages] : Spirit reading

Group Discussion:

1. Based on your understanding of foreshadowing, review lines 153-156. How is foreshadowing used, and what exactly is being foreshadowed?

Foreshadowing is being used as it describes the cyclops and the size and shape of it. What was being foreshadowed was that the cyclops wouldn’t care for xenia, and didn’t have any care for treating his guest.

2. What heroic qualities does Odysseus display thus far?

What does the fact that he doesn’t want to attack the Cyclops reveal about his character?

The heroic qualities Odysseus displayed thus far were his cunningness, loyalty, xenia, resourcefulness, brave, self-confidence. The fact that he doesn’t want to attack the Cyclops reveals that his character is someone who is smart and patient , realizing that he stood no chance, and so decided to bide his time instead.

3. Refer to line 232-243. How does Homer use figurative language to create imagery? (identify examples and explain their effect)

Homer uses figurative language to create imagery by describing just how Odysseus and his crew were compared to the cyclops Polyphemus, tiny and punny compared to Polyphemus, who caught two of Odysseus’ best men while the two of them were struggling like squirming puppies. This showed just how weak the men were while showing off just how strong the cyclops Polyphemus was.

4. How should we judge the heroic qualities of Odysseus based on his actions with the cyclops? (Heroic Qualities: Intelligence/Resourcefulness, Strength, Bravery and loyalty, Weakness)

The heroic qualities Odysseus based on his actions with the cyclops was that he was very intelligent, able to bide his time, extreme resourcefulness, used the wooden spike to poke out the cyclop’s eye, hid his men under his sheep, used the wine to make Polyphemus drunk.

5. Contrast Polyphemus’ values and the values of Odysseus (hospitality [xenia], respect for the gods, protections for his men).
            a. Can you identify any qualities/characteristics that both Odysseus and Polyphemus share?
            b. If Odysseus represents civilization, and Polyphemus represents nature, what do you think Homer is saying about the relation of man to nature?

                    i. Can you see potential dangers (that are becoming increasingly evident, especially in the modern era) in this position taken by Homer?

Polyphemus’ values of xenia is that he doesn’t care very much about it as shown when he dismissed Zues, and ate two of Odysseus’ men with care while Odysseus shows great care, as when he brings his best wine to give to the cyclops and didn’t steal the any of the cyclop’s belongings.

Qualities/characteristics that both Odysseus and Polyphemus share are that they are very prideful, as Polyphemus dismissed Zeus when Odysseus brings up his name and also says that they are puny compared to him the cyclops while Odysseus had told Polyphemus his real name at the end and taunted him without caring for the consequences.

If Odysseus represents civilization, and Polyphemus represents nature, I believe that Homer is saying that the relation of man to nature is that they are incompatible. Polyphemus is a barbican, not caring about civility or hospitality, while Odysseus is civilized and caring great about manners and hospitality.

I can see the potential dangers in this position taken by Homer as humans are generally becoming less connected with nature and so are becoming much less concerned with the environment than before.


During this lesson, I had learned a lot from this part of the journey of Odysseus. I learned about foreshadowing and hubris with how each were applied during the story. Foreshadowing was used to give an omen about the cyclops while both Odysseus and Polyphemus possessed hubris, which would lead to them underestimating the other and cause problems for the both of them later on. This let me learn to not be hubris or be arrogant as having hubris is a dangerous thing. I will use this information to make sure I will not slack off due to my hubris. If I would think that I reached by best, I wouldn’t try and go past my limits which would cause me to fall behind.

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