Sunday, December 13, 2020

Blogger #22 - George Suarez - Period 6 - 12/9/20 - Day B - Freshman 2021

 Topic: Odyssey: Apple of Discord & The Trojan War

Aim: How can a concise understanding of both an epic poem and the Iliad enhance our reading of the Odyssey?

"The ordinary man is involved in action, the hero acts. An immense difference."

- Henry Miller

Do now:

-Interpret the quote in your own words

The class interpreted the quote by saying that the hero is the one that goes head first into the situation and tries to resolve it, usually with the intent of helping others.On the other hand, the ordinary person is the one that usually spectates the hero or solves minor problems.

-Agree or disagree with the sentiment being expressed and explain why or why not.

Most of the students agreed with the sentiment being expressed and explained it by saying that the hero is usually the one that puts their lives at risk for others while the ordinary person depends on the outcome of what the hero does.

See the source image

While students are reading they must consider the following questions:

1.How do the gods and goddesses in the story display human qualities?

During the story the gods and goddesses in the story displayed human qualities by showing how Zeus knew that if he gave the golden apple to one of the goddesses the other 2 would be jealous.

2.What is the role of prophecy and fate in “The Golden Apple of Discord” ?

The role of these 2 terms was that fate allowed Paris to live when his parents wanted to kill him to avoid the prophecy that he carried which was that eventually he would lead to the fall of Troy.The prophecy nonetheless happened when Paris stole Helen which led to the Trojan War.

3.How does xenia play a role in King Menelaus’ treatment of Paris? How is this ironic?

Xenia plays a role in King Menelaus’ treatment of Paris by treating him as an honor guest due to Paris being the prince of Troy.This is ironic because the King wouldn’t expect a honored guest to be the one that sneaks off with Helen.

A promise and a oath differ vastly because promises are viewed in a way that are meant to be broken while a oath is worded in a manner that makes someone unable to break it due to having fear that there is someone with a greater authority that is observing

Xenia:A ancient greek concept of hospitality,generosity and courtesy, that is given to those who are far away in a type of guest-friendship.The ritual expressed a reciprocal relationship between the host and guest.

Odysseus and the Trojan War

Odysseus was a hero from the Trojan war and the main character in the Odyssey.Based on a prophecy he knew that once he went to troy it would take him a long time to return and this was because he swore to a oath that he would protect Helen.Odysseus was the one that came up with the Trojan Horse to try to end the 10 years of stalemate which led to the victory of the Greeks

The Trojan Horse was a giant wooden statue of a horse which they presented to Troy as a “present”.Inside this statue hid soldiers which created havoc in Troy once the statue was inside the city.The outcome of this was the destruction of Troy and the Greeks as the victors of the war

Importance of Homer’s Epics

Homer’s Epics were used as a way to teach greek virtues


Major Faults:Disrespect for gods,Hubris(excessive pride)

Iliad was a model for epic of war while Odyssey is the primary example for epic of a long journey.


Throughout the lesson I have learned important terms that the Greeks valued a lot such as Xenia and Oaths.I have also learned that fate and prophecies can never be changed no matter what based on how the parents of Paris tried to kill him but fate didn’t allow him to die because of the prophecy that he has.This would relate to our unit of poetry because Homer’s Epics are still considered poems.This would also be important to me because we are learning about Greece in our history class and it would be useful to have some background knowledge.

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