Thursday, December 3, 2020

Blogger 16 - Aaron Ku - Period 9 - 12/2/2020 - Freshman 2021 - Day B

Aim : How can our knowledge and experience with poetry and poetic techniques ensure the successful creation of our Poem Anthology project?

Do Now : How do you usually feel when you learn you are being assigned a new project? Why?

Many people feel overwhelmed and dislike it. This is because many students naturally dislike work and pretty much everyone does. Students have different ways of finishing such projects. Some try to finish as quickly as possible while some procrastinate.

Project/Assignment :

Today is about talking on our Poem Anthology Assignment Project. The assignment is to create 4 original poems with at least one poem being structured like an extended metaphor. 

The Anthology must include :
A creative cover, which clearly identifies your First and Last Name, period, TEAM NAME and Cycle Letter. 

  1. A Table of contents,  clearly identifying each poem type [(1) free verse, (2) extended metaphor, (3) sonnet, and (4) an additional poem structure of your choosing] the Title, and the page number where it can be found.

  2. An introduction to the collection, explaining the basis for your poem choices.

  3. One poem must be your extended metaphor, and must be annotated. Highlight some of your poetic choices just like we did in class, and explain the reason behind them.

  4. All 4 original poems should include complementary visuals/images/drawings.

  5. Your last page, must include a reflection that explains the experience of creating poetry along with a discussion of the style, language choices, and thematic intent of your poems at the conclusion of your anthology.

You can also use your word pool and your previous poems as inspiration and help. There is an attached scoring criteria to evaluate our anthology. This project is due 12/21 for our class. We are to upload digital versions to the google classroom assignment following all the aforementioned parameters. Google slide or Google Docs are allowed.

Viewing Examples : 

Many examples were shown to help us get a feel for how this project should be executed. It was also to inspire us idea’s and format on how the poem’s should be structured. There were many examples with great drawings for those talented and backgrounds and pictures of people that were less so.

Breakout Rooms : 

The main focus of the breakout rooms today was to focus on idea’s and to review with group mates. Group mates either needed help and assistance or to just pitch in ideas to each other. Work was also done during this time on our poem’s and to brainstorm ideas. We were also given advice to begin our poem we thought was the most difficult. Most people decided that was the Sonnet.

Reflection : 

I think this assignment is to really capture the meaning and beauty inside poetry by doing it ourselves. By thinking outside the box, we can discover that poetry has much more meaning than words on a paper. They bring together a new dimension of reality, grasping you into the poem itself as you are able to almost as if visualize the scene’s. 

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