Sunday, December 13, 2020

Blogger # 24 - Matthew Tong - Period 6 - 12/9/20 - Cycle Day B - Freshman 2021

 Aim: How can a concise understanding of both an epic poem and the Iliad enhance our reading of the Odyssey?

Today’s Lesson


For the following quotation:

"The ordinary man is involved in action, the hero acts. An immense difference." - Henry Miller

  • Interpret it in your own words 

Most of the class said that the ordinary man usually follows the hero during these events while helping others but a hero is the leader who puts themself in danger to save others. A hero has a bigger role during the action because he/she jumps in to resolve a problem while the ordinary man follows and solves minor problems.

  • Then Agree or disagree with the sentiment being expressed and explain why or why not.

Many students agreed with this quote "The ordinary man is involved in action, the hero acts. An immense difference." They agreed because of the reason that a hero usually leads the group of ordinary men taking the problems on his shoulders while ordinary men follow orders and help resolve the minor problems compared to the big conflict the hero has to deal with. Heroes risk their life most of the time to help those in need with the ordinary men trailing behind.

Students had to take these few questions into consideration when reading the “Apple of Discord.” the source image

  1. How do the gods and goddesses in the story display human   qualities? Gods and goddesses have some human-like qualities like jealousy, vanity and longing for love. They portray these qualities because Paris just like the gods showed his desire for love when giving the golden apple to Aphrodite who offered the most beautiful woman in the world to fall in love with Paris. After he chose the goddess, the two other goddesses were jealous like most people.

  1. What is the role of prophecy and fate in “The Golden Apple of Discord” ? Paris’ parents tried to avoid fate by trying to send herdsmen to kill their newborn son, even though they couldn’t murder the baby. Fate has allowed Paris to live while the prophecy of Paris would lead to the fall of Troy if the newborn was not killed. Therefore, after the abduction of Queen Helen, Troy was destroyed ending the Trojan War because of Paris. 

  1. How does xenia play a role in King Menelaus’ treatment of Paris? How is this ironic?

Xenia plays a big role in King Menelau’s treatment of Paris. It plays a big role because in the beginning before Paris stole King Menelau’s wife, the King respected Paris and showed his generosity and hospitality towards him as a person but after Paris stole his wife, King Menelau started attacking Troy. In order to get his wife back, the king and his men invaded Troy to find who abducted the queen which clearly shows the fall of Troy in the process. This is ironic because at first, the king was very nice towards Paris and brought him hospitality while at the end, King Menelau disliked Paris so much since he stole his wife Queen Helen away from him.

A promise and oath differ because usually promises can technically be broken while an oath cannot. Usually an oath refers to a promise towards god while a promise indicates you are doing something invoking someone else.

What is Xenia?

  • Xenia was a type of ritual called guest-friendship meaning hospitality and generosity should be given to anyone in need of care. This concept allowed the host and guest in the relationship to bond and know each other better while also exchanging gifts to represent the respected relation towards both the host and the guest.  

Key Terms : The Trojan War

  • Spartan King Menelaus’ wife Helen (the face that launched a thousand ships) left him for the young Prince Paris of Troy.

  • Paris, Prince of Troy, had sailed to Sparta to seize Helen

            Who was Odysseus?

  • Odysseus was a hero during the Trojan War who helped lead the Greeks to victory

  • Came up with the strategy of using the Trojan Horse which would successfully lead to Troy’s collapse

  • Not only was Odysseus known for his strength but also for his cunning abilities

                  The Trojan Horse

  • The Trojan Horse was a wooden horse structure that was considered a “gift” to the city of Troy

  • In the Trojan Horse, around 40 soldiers including Odysseus hid inside as a sneak attack to the people of Troy

  • Once inside the city, they wreak havoc by destroying the temples, slaughtering children, and enslaving the women.

What were the importance of Homer’s Epics The Iliad / The Odyssey (9780147712554): Homer, Robert Fagles,  Bernard Knox: BooksOur class talked about how important the two Homer’s Epics were (The Iliad and The Odyssey) and how they affected daily Greek life. Both these Homeric epics explained certain values and major faults which were taught in schools. Some values include honor, bravery, hospitality—"xenia", intelligence, respect for the gods, loyalty to home and family while some major faults include disrespect for the gods, lack of hospitality and excessive pride—"hubris". The students discussed what the Iliad was about describing the main concept throughout the war story and how both heroism and the tragedy of the war were portrayed. Our class also talked about The Odyssey which is another epic story written by Homer. Although this Homer epic is different from the Iliad, it still resembles a hero who conquers many challenges throughout his journey before returning home after the Trojan War. 

  • Quote from the Iliad Rage — Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles, murderous, doomed, that cost the Achaeans countless losses, hurling down to the House of Death so many sturdy souls. 

  • Quote from the OdysseySing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns driven time and again off course, once he had plundered the hallowed heights of Troy.


Throughout today’s lesson, I learned about the important people during the Trojan War and how it was caused. Names such as Helen and Paris were described throughout the class. These names represented the real cause of the Trojan War leading to the fall of Troy all because Paris stole King Menelaus’ wife Helen for himself. When the goddess of discord, Eris threw a golden apple with the word kallisti inscribed, three goddesses fought over the apple which led to Paris choosing the perfect goddess. Although his wish was granted by Aphrodite, the love of Helen brought doom to the city of Troy which was inevitable according to the eldest son Aesacus, unless he was killed. We learned this today since Homer’s epic stories are still considered poems which relate to our unit on poetry. I can use what I have learned in this class to help me during history class because we are learning about the Greek civilization and maybe these stories will play a role in class.

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