Friday, December 11, 2020

Blogger 27 - Joshua Trogan - Period 1 - 12/11/20 - Day A - Freshmen Lit 2021

Blogger No.27 Joshua Trogan Pd.1 12/11/20 Cycle Letter A Freshman 2021

Aim-How does Homer’s invocation establish tone for the beginning of the Odyssey?

Do Now- Class Discussion- How do you become inspired? Where does it originate?

People can be inspired by elements of the outside world such as movies and tv shows. They can also come just randomly. You can also get inspiration from others. It originates from within

The Nine Muses:

  • Muses serve as inspiration for poets and other artists
  • In Greek mythology, there were nine goddesses of arts, literature and science that served as muses
  • One of nine Muses inspired different forms of prose, poetry, drama, rhetoric, or general writing.
  • Homer’s invocation pays homage (special honor and respect) to these goddesses and to Ancient Greek culture in general
    • expresses the purpose of the narrative
    • Incorporates traditions familiar to his specific audience.

Muses: The 9 Inspirational Goddesses of Greek Mythology - Mythology Dictionary - See U in History [3:06]



What exactly is an invocation?

Invoke- call on (a deity or spirit) in prayer, as a witness or for inspiration

  • Homer’s invocation pays homage (special honor and respect) to the goddesses and to Ancient Greek culture in general.
    • expresses the purpose of the narrative
    • Incorporates traditions familiar to his specific audience.

Open Homer’s Invocation (lines 1-17)


1) What is your opinion of Odysseus so far after hearing Homer's invocation to the muses and learning about the Trojan War?

Odysseus is very courageous and he tries his best t get them home, but his crewmates are very reckless and they cause almost every single problem.

2) How does Homer maintain the audience’s interest in the story, knowing that the audience is aware of the outcome from the very beginning?

He uses interesting word choice, figurative language, and imagery to keep the reader on their toes about what is going to happen next.

3) What does the invocation of the Muse in the opening lines clarify about Odysseus’ culpability (responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame) during his voyage home?

It clarifies Odysseus culpability during the voyage home as it tells us that he wanted to get everyone home safely even if he had to go through extreme hardship to do so.


Anticipation Guide:

Please use the following link to complete the Anticipation Guide. Note: If you’re having difficulty, you should also be able to access the form via the syllabus link and the form should open! Lastly, any part of the survey not completed in class must be completed for Homework! Remember to submit your responses upon completion.

Student Reflection

I learned that an invocation is similar to getting inspiration from a god-like figure. I also learned that Odysseus tried his best to bring his crewmates back home, but they were very reckless and they caused any problems that kept them from returning. However, he ended up blaming himself for the actions of his crewmates. I learned this because this is an introduction to the Odyssey and understanding Homer’s invocation is crucial in understanding the rest of the Odyssey. I will use what I learned today to hopefully get a better understanding of the Odyssey and to understand Odysseus’s problems in getting back home.

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