Thursday, December 10, 2020

Blogger #22 - Jasmine Mei - Period 1 - 12/08/20 - Day A - Freshman Lit 2021

 Blogger #22 - Jasmine Mei - Period 1 - 12/08/20 - Day A - Freshman Lit 2021

2 Odyssey: Apple of Discord & The Trojan War

Aim: How can a concise understanding of both an epic poem and Iliad enhance our reading of the Odyssey?


For the following quotation: 

“The ordinary man is involved in action, the hero acts. An immense difference.” - Henry Miller

  1. Interpret it in your own words.

  2. Then agree or disagree with the sentiment being expressed and explain why or why not. 

My response to this activity consisted of how I think Henry Miller believes that the average crowd of people would either be induced in the situation or be drawn to the drama of it all, whereas a hero would be the one to bring justice and put a stop to the problem. I agree with the sentiment because most people in society are driven by gossip and drama and it takes someone with morals and logistics to be selfless and take action. Throughout the class discussion, a few of my peers gave a similar response to mine. Ms. Peterson’s addition towards the end of the discussion was that the said ordinary man in the quote may partake in the action but the hero is the one to resolve all the build up. 

The Apple of Discord 

Watch this youtube video to grasp a better understanding of the story:

See the source image

Background Information: 

Xenia is the ancient Greek concept of hospitality, the generosity and courtesy shown to those who are far from home and/or associates of the person bestowing guest-friendship. The rituals of hospitality created and expressed a reciprocal relationship between guest host. 

  • The Greek god Zeus, sometimes referred to Zeus Xenios, is a protector of guests. He embodies the religious obligation to show hospitality to travelers.

  • Many stories cautioned mortals that any guest should be treated as a potentially disguised god or goddess and helped to establish the idea of xenia as a fundamental Greek custom. 

Questions to consider when reading:

  1. How do the gods and goddesses in the story display human qualities?

  2. What is the role of prophecy and fate in “The Golden Apple of Discord”?

  3. How does xenia play a role in King Menelaus’s treatment of Paris?

    1. How is this ironic?


  1. Greed, Jealously, Vain

  2. The King of Troy, King Priam, learns of the prophecy that his newborn son, Prince Paris, would bring the downfall of Troy. For the better of his city, King Priam chooses to order the execution of his son. The king’s chief herdsman, Agelaus, was ordered to take out the young prince. Not being able to do so, Ageluas left the newborn in the mountains, thinking that some wild animal would surely feed on Paris. When Paris survived, Ageluas took this as a sign that the boy was meant to live. Later on, when Paris was chosen to decide which goddess is the fairest of all, he follows his fate when choosing Aphrodite. In return for giving Aphrodite the golden apple, Aphrodite promised Paris, love, from Helen of Sparta. Upon already being engaged to another man, Paris decided to kidnap Helen, invoking the Trojan War. 

  3. When Paris first arrived in Sparta, King Menelaus showed Paris great hospitality and kindness. This is ironic in the sense that Paris would go on to kidnap the king’s wife. Upon finding out the turn of events, King Menelaus becomes furious, leading to the start of the Trojan War.


Consider the different denotative and connotative emphasis of these two words. How do they differ?

Promise: a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen

Oath: a solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one’s future action or behavior


The Trojan War

Aphrodite promised Paris, Prince of Troy, Helen of Sparta’s love if he were to declare her the fairest of them all and give her the golden apple. Aphrodite is true to her word, making Helen fall in love with Paris. Paris sailed to Sparta to seize Helen. King Menelaus treats him as an honored guest with great hospitality (xenia). Upon Aphrodite’s promise, Helen left King Menelaus for the young prince. She would be the face that launched a thousand ships. Paris takes Helen and they sneak off to Troy in a ship. Helen’s father had all of Helen’s suitors take an oath to protect and respect Helen’s marriage, no matter the man that would be her husband. Now that Paris has captured Helen, all of her suitors are obligated to aid Menelaus in bringing her back to Sparta. In trying to bring her back, the Greeks attack Troy.

Odysseus; Hero of The Odyssey 

Odysseus was the main character in the famous Odyssey by Homer. He was one of the heroes of the Trojan War. There was a prophecy that stated if Odysseus were to go to Troy, it would take him a very long time to return home. However, as a past lover of Helen, he took an oath to protect her marriage. Odysseus was known for his strength and his tricks as he was very cunning.  

It was Odysseus who led the Greeks to victory in coming up with the plan of constructing the Trojan horse.

  • Wife: Penelope

  • Son: Telemachus

  • Great Soldier of the war

  • Originally pretended to be crazy in order to get out of war.

  • The Odyssey is the account of Odysseus’s journey home after the war.

The Trojan Horse

The Greeks constructed a giant wooden statue of a horse, which was a symbol of Troy. The Greeks presented this as a “gift”. However, there were Greek soldiers hiding inside the horse. It was meant to be a disguise in order for the Greeks to get into the city of Troy without people being aware. They left their ships a mile away, making it seem like they had given up. Once the soldiers were inside the city’s premises, they wreaked havoc by destroying temples, slaughtering children, and enslaving the women. Troy is absolutely destroyed after this and the Greeks are victorious in the battle.

Importance of Homer’s Epics

Both the Iliad and the Odyssey were used in schools to teach Greek virtues. Iliad was the primary model for the epic of war while Odyssey was the primary model for the epic of the long journey. The Greeks valued honor, bravery, hospitality (xeniz), intelligence, respect for the gods, and loyalty to home and family. Some major faults that people can partake in are disrespect for the gods, lack of hospitality, and excessive pride, known as “hubris”. 

The Odyssey was written by famous Greek poet Homer. It was the sequel to another one of Homer’s famous works, Iliad (900 and 700 B.C.) The Iliad talks about the days towards the end of the Trojan War. (mid 1200s B.C.) The Odyssey talks more of one of the soldiers, Odysseus, who fought during the Trojan War. These two works were considered sacred texts to the Greeks, similar to the position the Bible holds in many people’s lives today. 

Three Major Plot Strands

  • Telemachy: story in Ithaca about Odysseus’s wife and son as they await his return 

  • Odysseus’s wanderings during the ten years after the Trojan War

    • Contains certain adventures Odysseus has to overcome as he makes his way home

    • He leaves Troy with 12 ships and approx. 720 men.

    • Encounters monsters and enchanting women who try to keep him from his wife

  • Merging of the strands when Odysseus returns to Ithaca and joins forces with his son, Telemachus, to destroy their enemies

The Iliad and the Odyssey conform to tradition when the first lines of these epic poems provide a “capsule summary” (a shortened version of a written work) of the subject of the poem. We find the poet’s own statement about the subject of the Iliad in the original Greek poem’s very first word: Anger. The Iliad is about the anger, the doomed and ruinous anger, of the hero Achilles. So also in the Odyssey, the first word, Man, tells the subject of the poem. 

The translated examples below show the paraphrased beginnings of both the Iliad and the Odyssey that the rules of the poet’s craft extend beyond the naming of the main subject with the first word. In the original Greek of both the Iliad and the Odyssey, the first world announcing the subject - Anger, Man - is followed by a specially chosen adjective setting the mood - doomed anger, many-sided man - to be followed in turn by a relative clause that frames the story by outlining the plot - the doomed anger that caused countless losses and woes, the many-sided man who wandered countless ways. 


Eris: The Goddess of Discord and Strife - Mythology Dictionary #05 - See U in History (Fixed) [2:28]

How and why the Trojan war started [3:22]

Zeus and the Myth of Hospitality (Philemon and Baucis) Greek Mythology Ep. See U in History [3:54]


This lesson taught me of the works sacred to Greeks like the Iliad and the Odyssey and how they served of importance during their time. I was given a deeper understanding of Greek history and culture as well as learning stories, new to me, for the first time like the Apple of Discord. The texts and break down of each subject really aided me in obtaining new knowledge. This lesson not only informs on Greek history and culture but of poetry as well. Studying the works of the famous Greek poet Homer helps me with understanding the patterns and trends in poetry throughout time when starting off in the ancient world with some of the classics. It also allows me to enhance my level of poetry. Having an understanding of the topics displayed in this lesson is
useful when looking at artifacts, ruins, and just about anything in Greek history because I’m able to know the background and story behind it. I will use the knowledge gained from this lesson to educate others in the future, give my share of input in other classes like APWH when this subject is brought up, and to better my poetry. 

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