Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Blogger #17 - Charlton Leung - Period 1 - 11/30/20 Day A - Freshmen 2021

Blogger #17 - Charlton Leung - Period 1- 11/30/20 Day A - Freshmen 2021

Aim: How can our knowledge and experience with poetry and poetic techniques ensure the successful creation of our Poem Anthology Project?

Do Now: How do you usually feel when you learn you are being assigned a new project? Why?

Anthology: A collection of books or poems

We talked on Slide 2 about what we need to include in our Poem Anthology project. In the project, we have to write four original poems. These types of poems include free verse, extended metaphor, sonnet, and a poem of your choice.

Free Verse - Poetry without a fixed pattern or rhyme

Extended Metaphor - A metaphor that is developed over several lines in a poem

Sonnet - Follow a specific rhyme scheme and are normally about love.

We have already done all these types of poems and it’s advised that you use your previous notes to help with this project. To help us with this project, we were shown examples of this project from previous years. Another piece of advice given was to work on the poem that was most challenging for us. A rubric was attached to the assignment and showed the expectations we were supposed to reach.

After we understood what the project was, we all started brainstorming ideas for our poems. We spent about twenty-five minutes working on the project until we were pulled into breakout rooms with our groups. In my group, we helped each other out if one of us was confused about something or need ideas for a poem. After fifteen minutes we were sent back into the main room and after that, we left class. 

Reflection: In this lesson, I learned about a new project we’re doing and what we have to do for that project. We have to write poems that are structured like a free verse, extended metaphor, and sonnet. This project is a very big part of our grade and therefore, important. However, this project should be fun and enjoyable. Don’t procrastinate!!! 

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