Monday, December 14, 2020

Blogger #24 - Matthew Shi - Period 9 - 12/14/2020 - Day C - Freshman Lit 2021

 2 Odyssey: Apple of Discord & The Trojan War

Aim: How can a concise understanding of both an epic poem and the Iliad enhance our reading of the Odyssey?

Do Now: Think/Pair/Share

 For the following quotation:

 “The ordinary man is involved in action, the hero acts. An immense difference.”

                                                                                                        - Henry Miller

  1. Interpret it in your own words

  2. Then, agree or disagree with the sentiment being expressed and explain why or why not.

The class had multiple different responses but had overall the same idea. They say that quote is describing an ordinary person as a person who does not exactly contribute towards society, compared to a hero’s actions. Ordinary people are seen as bystanders, followers, more or less people who do not really perform outstanding deeds. Heroes, on the other hand, are people who take action and are recognized for what they have done. I agree with the sentiment that is being expressed since heroes are known for their actions because they had stood out among others. Ordinary people are called ordinary since they do perform anything that makes them stand out. The class had different ideas on agreeing with the sentiment and disagreeing with the sentiment. However, the overall idea had been constructed where heroes are different from ordinary people where heroes act while ordinary people do nothing.

Apple of Discord

See the source image

While reading, consider the following questions:

  1. How do the gods and goddesses in the story display human qualities?

  2. What is the role of prophecy and fate in “The Golden Apple of Discord”?

  3. How does xenia play a role in King Menalaus’ treatment of Paris?

    1. How is this ironic?

The Trojan War: Part One: The Apple of Discord -

Apple of Discord Summary

Queen Hecuba of Troy had a dream where her newborn child would bring the downfall of Troy. The child was known as Paris who had been left alone in the wilderness to perish in order to prevent Troy’s downfall. However, a bear had taken pity on him and kept him safe. Agelaus (who was the chief herdsman) had returned to see the boy was still alive and had taken it as a sign for the son to live. Paris had offered a challenge where his bull would fight anyone’s bull in battle and the winner would receive a golden crown. Ares had accepted the challenge and turned himself to a bull and won the crown. Since Paris kept his word, the gods saw him as a person who could be able to judge a contest. Zeus and Poseidon had fallen in love with a sea nymph, Thetis. However, they had found out about a prophecy regarding the sea nymph where the son of the sea nymph would be stronger than their father. Zeus and Poseidon did not want to repeat history and decided that the sea nymph would be better off marrying a mortal. They wanted the sea nymph to marry King Peleus. Peleus was able to win her over by being able to hold her as she changed forms. Zeus held a feast where he invited all gods and goddesses except for Eris, the goddess of discord. Eris, enraged, had thrown a golden apple into the crowd and the apple had been inscribed with the words, “For the fairest.” Three of the most powerful goddesses had reached for it and believed that it was rightfully theirs. Zeus decided that Paris would decide to see which goddess was the fairest. The goddesses had offered bribes towards Paris. Hera, the goddess of women and marriage, had offered him to be the king of Europe and Asia. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, had offered him wisdom to be the best warrior in history. Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, had offered the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen of Sparta. Paris did not resist Aphrodite’s offer and had given her the golden apple. He had taken Helen away from King Menelaus of Sparta who had married Helen. He had been enraged and demanded that the land of Troy would be destroyed. This had started the Trojan War.

  1. How do the gods and goddesses in the story display human qualities?

There were many responses that show the gods and goddesses that display human qualities. The 3 goddesses, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, had been overcome by greed and helplessness as they had been obsessed with obtaining the golden apple for themselves. They were also jealous of the other as they believed that they would be known as the fairest. Zeus also uses self preservation in order to prevent himself from being in disfavor of the goddesses. If he decided, he would show favoritism and it could have brought conflict between the gods and goddesses.

  1. What is the role of prophecy and fate in “The Golden Apple of Discord”?

The class had discussed the difference between fate and prophecy. Prophecy was more of a prediction of the future that could happen. Fate was something that was inevitable and could not be changed regardless of any outside factors. The prophecy in the story had been that the gods and goddesses would be overthrown by the sea nymph’s son, if she were to marry either Zeus or Poseidon. The fate described in the story was the son of Troy’s queen and king would cause the downfall of Troy. They had attempted to prevent fate by attempting to kill the son, Paris, so Troy would be at peace.

  1. How does xenia play a role in King Menalaus’ treatment of Paris?

  1. How is this ironic?

(Question was unanswered due to the lack of knowledge about xenia.)

Team Discussion

Promise - a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen

Oath - a solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one’s future action or behavior

Consider the different denotative and connotative emphasis of these two words. How do they differ?

The class had discussed similar thoughts about the denotative and connotative emphasis of the two words. An oath had sounded more serious than a promise and had been compared with a deal with the devil. A promise was something that could be broken as it is more common for people to break a promise with someone rather than breaking an oath. A common saying is that promises are meant to be broken.


Xenia is an ancient Greek concept of hospitality, generosity, and courtesy towards people that are far away from home and/or associates of the person bestowing guest-friendship. The rituals of hospitality and expressed in a reciprocal relationship between the guest and the host.

  • The Greek god Zeus is sometimes known as Zeus Xenios for playing his role as a protector of guests. He had placed this religious obligation on people to hospital travelers.

  • Stories had warned mortals that they should treat all guests since any guest could be a god or goddess in disguise and had helped establish xenia as a Greek custom.

What is XENIA? Greek Myth Comix explaining Homeric literature -

Trojan War/Odysseus in the Trojan War/Trojan Horse

The Trojan War was a war between the Greeks and the people of Troy. Ironically, King Menelaus of Sparta had treated Paris as an honored guest by the ideas of xenia. However, Paris had taken Helen away from Menelaus. Helen’s suitors had taken an oath to respect and protect her marriage with Menelaus at all costs and had obligated to help Menelaus go to Troy in order to bring her back. The Greeks had attacked Troy in order to get Helen back. Odysseus had been one of the main heroes in the Trojan War. He had known from a prophecy that he would not return home for a long time if he went to Troy. However, he had sworn an oath to protect Helen so he had to protect her. He had planned to create the Trojan Horse as a method in order to break the stalemate between the Greeks and the Trojans. The Trojan Horse as a gift towards Troy. However, there were Greek soldiers in the horse who had destroyed Troy after the Trojan Horse had been placed inside the Trojan city. The Greeks destroyed temples, slaughtered children, and enslaved women.

  • Trojan Horse is a common type of computer virus in the present day.

Homer’s Epics

There were many important parts of Homer’s epics.

  • The Iliad and Odyssey are used to teach Greek virtues.

    • Greek values are honor, bravery, hospitality (xenia), intelligence, respect of the gods, and loyalty to home and family.

    • Greek major faults are disrespect for the gods, lack of hospitality, and excessive pride (hubris).

  • The Iliad is a primary model for the epic of war.

  • The Odyssey is the primary model for the epic of the long journey and was also the sequel to the Iliad.

  • The Iliad had focused on the end of the Trojan War (mid 1200s BC) and the Odyssey had focused on Odysseus who had been returned home after the war.

  • Both of the epics were not written down originally and had only been recited orally.

  • Tales of Odysseus’ adventure had revolved around 10 years after the Trojan War where he has to overcome obstacles just to return home. He does not battle opponents but rather monsters on his journey home. 

Videos that help clarify other main points:

  • Eris: The Goddess of Discord and Strife - Mythology Dictionary #05 - See U in History (Fixed) -

  • How and why the Trojan war started -

  • Zeus and the Myth of Hospitality (Philemon and Baucis) Greek Mythology Ep. See U in History -


In this lesson, I had learned about the Apple of Discord, the concept of xenia, the Trojan War, and Homer’s epics. These stories are a great part of Greek culture as it has helped modernize the concept of xenia in Greek culture. The epics are also very sacred towards the Greeks due to their stories of telling history. I had learned about these topics as it was a way to show culture beliefs that impact people in modern day society. Greek virtue includes Greek values which portray a lesson which emphasizes bravery, honor, pride, respect for gods, xenia, loyalty, and many other values. The Greeks also have different beliefs and different parts of history that are written such as the story with the Apple of Discord where the Trojan War had occurred because of a single decision to give an apple. I can use what I have learned to understand other themes, viewpoints, and cultures. The goddesses who fought for the apple had been overcome by greed and offered bribes towards Paris. Paris ended up choosing the bribe which consisted of the most beautiful woman in the world and led to the Trojan War. This helps me understand values and the lesson to never be overcome by greed as it can lead to fatal consequences.

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