Thursday, December 17, 2020

Blogger #18 - Yanna Mei - Period 5 Day B - 12/1/2020

 Freshman 2021

Blogger #18

Yanna Mei Period 5


Cycle Day B

Aim: How can our knowledge and experience with poetry and poetic techniques ensure the successful creation of our Poem Anthology project?

Do now: How do you usually feel when you learn you are being assigned a new project? Why?

I feel annoyed because I don’t like projects. I don’t like procrastinating so I usually do work early but if it is a project, there is more work to add onto the pile and I sometimes forget about it. 

This Do Now was a class discussion about how we felt when we learned that we are going to start our first project in English class. I personally did not like it, but I did like that it was an individual project and not a group project.

Today, we were introduced to a new project. This new project includes the creation of four types of poems in which we learned from previous lessons. The project will be due 12/22 for Day B students. In the project, we must include: 

  • A creative cover page that includes our name, period number, and team name.

  • A table of contents for the pages to find the different poems we are supposed to write as well as using it to identify each poem we will be writing.

  • An introduction to the collection of poems to explain the basis for our poem choices. 

  • An extended-metaphor poem, a sonnet, a free verse poem, and a fourth poem of our choice. 

  • Annotations for our extended-metaphor poem. (highlight and explain parts of the poem)

  • Visuals for all four poems.

  • A reflection to explain our experiences on writing these poems as well as the style, language choices, and thematic intent of the poems to conclude the anthology.

Student Reflection:

During this lesson, I learned about the project that would be worth more towards our grade. During the past lessons, we have learned about sonnets, extended-metaphor poems, and free verse poems. This knowledge will be put to use in this project. To summarize, the project will be an anthology of poems that showcase our creativity to craft poems and our knowledge of the different types of poems. In this lesson, we learned the requirements to pass this project and prove that we are knowledgeable on the subject of poems.


We learned about this project today because it will impact our grade more than the other homework assignments we usually get. This project is important because it allows us to show our knowledge of poems and to prove that we’ve been paying attention to the past lessons about poems. This lesson lets us know about a project that can be of use when we look back to see the types of poems we’ve learned about in one document. 

I will use what I learned in this lesson to perfect my project for the future. This anthology will be a project that I can look back to, to see what I came up with and to remind myself of the different types of poems that I’ve learned in only one document. I will use the information from this lesson to create my anthology as something to look back to as well as getting a good grade on the first project in English 1.

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