Saturday, June 13, 2020

#64 - Ivan Yim - Period 2 - 6/13/2020

Aim: How do the historical allusions and connections in 1984 contribute to the meaning of the work as a whole?

Do Now: Why do new and different ideas often provoke fear?

New and different ideas often provoke fear because people are scared of the unknown, and I don’t blame them. Something new and different is like walking into a dark tunnel, you don’t know what’s on the other side until you’ve ventured through a black and long tunnel. The tunnel would have a lot of twists and turns and obstacles along the way that are not always so pleasant. This applies to many different scenarios and it also applies to your daily life. Let’s say your daily life is compared to a car, If you’re cruising along a highway that you’ve been on for years, what’s the reason for taking an exit if you don’t know where it leads to. 

Is Julia good for Winston???

I think Julia is good for Winston because they both seem pretty similar and overall like each other’s company.

An allusion is a brief and indirect reference within a literary work to a historical, literary, or biblical character, place or event, which is not explained.

Group Work : Allusions


Proles: The common people

Ingsoc’s social class system: Big Brother > Inner Party > Outer Party > Proles

Big Brother: The leader in power

Emmanuel Goldstein: Leader of the rebellion revolution against Big Brother 

- compares to Leon Trotsky

The Telescreens: Surveillance 

Junior Spies: Compares to Hitler Youth 

Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford: Enemies to the government

Write about what you learned in your online English lessons.

Not really something I’ve learned, but something I’ve heard again. “Don’t judge a book by its cover” is probably the first quote that always comes to my mind, hence why I’m talking about it. Allusions made me think that not everything is at the surface. It’s kind of like the moon, how it’s dry and dusty on the surface, but deep down, there’s probably some frozen water. Reading a book is kind of like doing experiments on it. You dissect it, hypothesis about it, question about it, it’s pretty similar right? The book is kind of like nature and the universe. It’s always mysterious and there’s always something new to find, but everything has its reason for being there, like a book’s words. Yes some things can be just the surface, but the words they used are chosen for a reason. Handpicked by the author, and he can say whatever he wants underneath the words.

What is it like working from home?

To be honest, many people probably prefer to work at home as it is much more convenient and probably more enjoyable to do. I personally would prefer to work at home, but if I want to get actual work done I would probably not do it at home. Things are too hectic at home. There are too many distractions and things to help out with around the house that I lose track of my work often times.


To be frank, I wasn’t personally there for the lesson, like I said earlier, there are a lot of distractions at home. But I did look around and snooped at other peoples’ blogs, and I guess I kind of got the gist. English class is pretty boring to me and I would much rather be doing something else, but it still amazes me about how far you can dive into a book. It’s kind of like the ocean, dark and hard to reach, and you need to build a good enough submarine to dive deeper, and every book you read helps you build that submarine better and more advanced, kind of like leveling up in a video game and gaining experience. Overall, I didn’t really like it when our teacher said we’d be doing blogs for every lesson, and I’ve been late on two of my only two blogs, but writing these is like saying things out loud that I would never really say out loud, it’s kind of refreshing. Again with all this chaos happening in the world, I hope you and your friends and families are safe and sound.

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