Saturday, June 13, 2020

Blog #54 - Theresa Morano - Period 9 - 6/13/2020

Blog #54 (Sophomores 2020)
Theresa Morano
Period 9

Aim: How are the readers of 1984 warned about the power of manipulation? 

Blog Content: 

Class Notes: 
Do Now: 
Winston thinks, “They could not alter your feelings; for that matter, you could not alter them yourself, even if you wanted to.” Think about and discuss the nature of feelings and emotions.

  • Can you alter your own feelings by force of will? Why/Why Not?
The class discussed that you can alter your own feelings since you have the ability to change your perspective and decide what words or events affect you. Additionally, a psychological study was discussed in which people were able to believe that something happened that actually didn’t. This same scenario can be applied to memories and feelings. Therefore, in a way, you can change your feelings.

  • Can someone else alter another person’s innermost feelings?
Some of the class believed that yes, someone else can alter a person’s innermost feelings. This is because people can manipulate others to change their opinion and feelings. This manipulation is observed in North Korea. The people there are brainwashed into worshipping their leader and government. However, others in the class believed that someone else cannot alter a person’s innermost feelings since people have control of what they truly believe in their core. Additionally, once someone becomes aware of manipulation, it is harder to manipulate them. 

After the Do Now, students independently created 3 questions about 1984. Then, the questions were shared and others answered the question. For example, Russell asked if we will ever meet Big Brother for the rest of the novel. The class agreed that Big Brother is not actually a real person but a figure the government implemented to control the population. Additionally, it was asked if 1894 could actually happen in our society. 

Then, the class discussed similarities and differences in the characteristics of Julia and Winston. The class agreed that both are aware they will eventually be vaporized. Julia focuses on the present moment and is not planning for the future while Winston is concerned for humanity, and is pessimistic about his death while being optimistic for change.

Then, the class independently thought about what they did last Friday morning. Everyone had a difficult time recalling these memories. Then, they discussed why they had such a difficult time recording what happened and connected this to vulnerability. The class said we had such a hard time remembering since nothing memorable happened. This can leave people vulnerable since someone can make up their own story and manipulate others to believe these new “memories”. For example, Mrs. Peterson told us a story about something she did as a very young child. The only reason she knows this story is because her mother told her it. 



What it’s like working from home: 

Now that I have been working from home for three months now, I am used to it. While I wish we were still at school, I do not mind remote learning and understand that it is for the safety of everyone. I attend my classes on Google Meet and then complete different assignments. However, working from home requires excellent time management since days aren’t regimented like normal school days would be. This is why I have a notebook where I write when upcoming assignments are due and other to-do lists. This allows me to keep a schedule for myself. For example, today I had to do SAT prep, English homework, and exercise. 

Updates around the world/community regarding the virus: 

Right now, New York City is in phase 1 of reopening. This means that construction, wholesale trade, agriculture, fishing, hunting, forestry, and retail (curbside/in-store pick up) are permitted. Additionally, small gatherings of ten or less people are allowed. Many states in the United States have reopened too. New York City will be the last region in New York State to completely reopen. Many people have been going out and gathering in small groups due to the lifts on restrictions. Additionally, there have been many Black Lives Matter protests all across the country following the horrible death of George Floyd. There have also been riots in which businesses were destroyed. Many are concerned these protests will lead to a spike in cases of COVID-19. 

Personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now: 

I am happy that New York City is beginning to reopen. Since small gatherings are permitted, I have been able to see some friends. It has definitely been nice to see them after not being able to for so long. We still have to wear masks when inside stores and socially distance ourselves, but I am now used to that. It is nice that as the weather is becoming nicer, people are able to go out more and return to “normal life”. However, I believe we must remember to take precautions so the disease does not get spread as much. I am also concerned about the protests. While these protests are for a good cause, I worry that they will lead to a great spike in cases of COVID-19. 

Reflection of the Day’s Lesson: 

In today’s class, we learned about the power of manipulation and how this can be applied to 1984. We discussed how memories are not reliable, leaving them vulnerable to being manipulated by others. This connects to people possibly having their thoughts changed with brainwashing. We had to recall what we did last Friday morning. Everyone, including me, had a very difficult time remembering this. This exemplifies how memories are not reliable. Ms. Peterson told a story about how when she was a child, she did something that made her mother very mad. Then, her aunt stepped in and said “She’s only a child!”. The only reason Ms. Peterson knows this story is because she was told it. She has no recollection of this memory. We learned this since memories and manipulation are common themes in 1984. The government constantly alters history and therefore changes the memories of the people. For example, Winston’s job is to rewrite historical documents to fit the Party’s current narrative. I will use this information to be wary of manipulation. I will make sure to think twice before believing someone when telling me a story of something I did. I will also be aware of people trying to change my thoughts. We also learned about the characteristics of Julia and Winston. Julia is more rebellious, practical, and does not give much attention to the future. Meanwhile, Winston is a dreamer who wants to see the end of the Party. He also is optimistic for change but pessimistic about the fact that he will eventually be vaporized. Both Julia and Winston are aware they will be killed by the government and are Outer Party members. We learned this since their characteristics are being used to warn readers about manipulation. Winston is older and remembers a time before the Party had such great power. He remembers a time when people had more freedom. Meanwhile, Julia is younger and does not have these memories. Therefore, people from her age group are more easily manipulated. They have no recollection of a time with more freedom. This can be connected to my own life. My parents vividly remember the 9/11 terrorist attack. My mother was in downtown Manhattan (where she works) and my father was in Brooklyn. However, I only have heard their stories, read articles, or seen TV shows about it. Since they were alive for this event, their perspective of it is very different from mine. 

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