Saturday, June 13, 2020

Blog #39 - Kyle Chen - Period 7 - 6/13/2020

Kyle Chen Pd7
Sophomore 2020
Aim: How is connotation, denotation, and paradox explicated though Orwell’s “Doublethink”

We were then instructed to look at each image and compare how each image made us feel. There were the basic observations of the butterfly being good, Ferrari being a symbol of wealth, and the house looking rundown. There were also interesting observations such as one individual didn’t necessarily have a bad experience with moths but since they were always told to kill them, he developed a link between moths and killing them.

Connotation vs denotation 


Later on we looked and discussed some paradoxes such as “war is peace”-1984 and “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others”-animal farm. There was also one from the play Macbeth, “Fair is foul and foul is fair”. 

Sarah’s certain death riddle
This is a paradox where two guards guard 2 gates, one gate will lead to certain death and one gate won’t, but one guard will tell the truth and one will lie. Sarah proceeds to ask a yes or no question to the guards to figure which door is the right one. I can’t explain further be I for one still don’t understand.

I think that the emphasis we but on “doublethink” is justified because now the media isn’t the most reliable source of information out there and we have to think about how much we actually get from the news is true and what acts as filler to get attention and viewers. 
Aim#2: How can we analyze the symbolism in Winston Smith’s name?

Even later on into the lesson we analyze the similarities between Winston Churchill and the main character of 1984 Winston Smith. Winston Churchill was the prime minister of Europe during WW1 and spoke out against communism. Winston Smith on the other hand is the fictional protagonist of 1984 and wants the pros to rebel against big brother and they are both smokers

Turn and talk
Winston is obviously based on Winston Churchill and Smith is a common English name. This was likely done to show that the common man is capable of change and that is also shown through that Winston Smith wants the pros to stage the rebellion 
The message that Orwell probably wants to get though is that you, the common man, is capable of change and wants you to become a catalyst of change.

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