Saturday, June 13, 2020

Blog # - Max Pintchouk- Period 2- 06/12/20

Aim: How do the historical allusions and connections in 1984 contribute to the meaning of the work as a whole?

Today’s lesson was about historical allusions and connections and their uses in modern media and text. We started with a discussion about whether Jullia is good for Winston in George Orwell’s 1984. We came to the conclusion that Julia is potentially a good influence for Winston because of her loose personality in contrast to Winston’s radical desires. I then learned that an allusion is essentially an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly. We used this knowledge to apply it to several instances in George Orwell’s 1984 such as historical allusions in the proles, big brother, and junior spies in reference to historical governmental events/ideas and potential political and social changes that could occur in a world that Orwell fears. We learned that allusions generally fall into four categories: Biblical, literary, historical, and classical allusions. We then discussed common instances of different types of allusions such as an allusion to star wars in the cartoon South Park. After the end of the lesson, we were assigned to locate uses of allusions in common media that we view and plant them into a chart. I believe that knowing the meaning and application of allusions will open our eyes to understanding different aspects of media, as well to improve our writing or literary usage in the future. I can see myself using this information in advertisements for future business ideas as well as any form of media spread for my future endeavors. 

The world is really in an interesting shape at the moment. Regarding the virus, New york is slowly, yet unsurely recovering from the devastating peak or spread and deaths. I can’t see our city coming to order in any of the near future, however, there is a sliver of hope as further research and development continues. Regarding online learning, it’s been getting better, since I’m done with AP’s. However, the amount of work still given though is still beyond me. Regarding everything else going on in the world, I’m genuinely worried. I believe that the George Floyd protests are unnecessary and unreasonable. Although I am in fact pro black, I do not believe that many of the protestors' ideas and claims have any sense and or practical application, specifically regarding the defunding/disbandment of the NYPD, and the outrageous lootings as a result of the country’s instability. I believe people are blinded by tunneled facts and are not looking at potential consequences of their proclaimed fixes to our city/nation. At this point, I believe that many black people are doing this for publicity rather than actual change as the US government has absolutely no implication of systematic racism. An example of systematic racism that could and was fixed by the means of protest was the South African Apartheid, which was as concrete as segregation gets. In our current day and age, I do not believe that African American citizens have any disadvantage to those of whites in a systematic perspective, however I do believe that there are many people around the country, and the world, who are not supportive of Black rights, which I do think is wrong and unjust. 

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