Saturday, June 13, 2020

Blog #59 - Guseyn Zarbaliyev - Period 1 - 6/13/2020

Blog #59 - Guseyn Zarbaliyev - Period 1 - June, 13 2020
Guseyn Zarbaliyev
Period 1
Freshman 2020
Blogger #26

Do Now:  Interpret the following quote and apply it to Odysseus.

“A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder. Fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won.” ― Joseph Campbell

My Response: Oddyseus ventured beyond his kingdom, in which he was king and he never feared for his life. He then entered a world where mortality is fragile, and he could almost never be comfortable. All he wished for was to return home and see his family,

For today’s lesson we had learned about ‘The Hero's Journey’. Originally convicted by Joseph Campbell, ‘The Hero's Journey’ is the template or common path that authors take when making a heroic tale or story. It starts with a reluctant hero, who goes on an adventure, meets many challenges, has a revelation or turning point and then comes home changed or transformed in one way or another.

We then continued forward with the lesson and broke down ‘The Hero's Journey’ into its many parts and compared different tales and stories, to see if they would fit into the ‘The Hero's Journey’. Selina mentioned Percy Jackson and that his tale fit perfectly into ‘The Hero's Journey’. Additionally, Daniel also felt that Star Wars also followed  ‘The Hero's Journey’. Star Wars was an important example since George Lucas himself (creator of Star Wars) said that he used  ‘The Hero's Journey’ to create Star Wars. Afterwards we were shown a video on ‘The Hero's Journey’ and the video used Star Wars as an example of  ‘The Hero's Journey’. Here is a link to said video. Additionally, I linked a photo that shows the Hero’s Journey in many different pieces of literature.

As we continued the lesson we broke down the common character archetypes that appeared in ‘The Hero's Journey’. An archetype is a very typical example of a certain person or thing. An example of an archetype is the Hero himself. The Hero is a person who has strength, courage and is usually arrogant. This character is normally the protagonist and grows to be a better person. Another example is the Sage. The Sage provides wisdom and intelligence and helps the Hero and his party by guiding them and providing them with information. The image below lists the most common character archetypes.

Afterwards, we were told to break off into groups and finish the remaining questions. Shortly after, Ms. Peterson had called us back together and informed us that we would be getting no more homework but the classwork would still persist. This was good news to many including myself. It had struck me then that the school year was almost over and that we were almost done with our Freshman Year.

Reflection -

Working from home is still a nightmare for me personally. It has completely broken my sleep schedule and my brain is slowly regressing in size as the days go by. Early on, many of m assignment didn't go through and it was a headache and half to clear up my work with most of my teachers,

Around us, the world is in a strange place. Political and economic tensions still rise as the USA declared Hong Kong a separate, autonomous entity from China. Our already declining economy would crumble if China decides to cut ties with the US and other superpowers as many other nations side with Hong Kong. Additionally, the BLM Movement has resparked over the death of George Floyd. Many protests have sprung up in demand of reformation of the justice and law enforcement system. However, some terrible people who are raiding stores, and destroying cities, undermine the goal that the peaceful protesters are trying to relay, shining a bad light on the movement. On another note, Coronavirus is still a thing and is slowly starting a second wave from all the protests.

Learning about the ‘The Hero's Journey’ and character archetypes are important. They can help me better understand stories and characters in media that I consume in the future. I looked back on many of the stories that I have read and noticed that they too, follow the same type of layout. The more I learn about the composition of storytelling the more I notice these little details in literature. I tend to criticize movies that I adored as a child, as I see all these cliques and tropes in the media.

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