Wilson Wuchen, Period 9
Aim: How are the readers of 1984 warned about the power of manipulation?
Do Now: Can you alter your own feelings by force of will? Why/Why not?
Can someone else alter another person’s innermost feelings?
You can change your feelings through someone persuading you of something or if they are being manipulative.
You can alter another person’s feelings by being manipulative which changes how they feel about something.
Team Work: Considered all that has transpired in the novel thus far. With your team, create “3” questions, and be prepared to share them with the other teams. The goal is to see if the teams can answer the questions your team created.
Mrs. Peterson’s questions: The novel has ‘thoughtcrimes’. How does the thought police know what you’re thinking? Is it only a scare-tactic? Or do the thought police truly know what it's citizens are thinking?
I don’t think you can truly know exactly what someone is thinking. The closest method that the thought police can use are your facial expressions, in which they aren’t even 100% accurate. This is why I believe that it only serves as a scare tactic.
Group Work: Evaluate the characters of Julia and Winston.
Record characteristics unique to each, then record characteristics that are shared. How is the author waning the readers about manipulation through the characters?

Quick Write: Record what you did last Friday morning.
Whole Class Discussion:
- Why was there such difficulty recording what happened?
- Why is it so easy to forget what transpired, even though only a couple of days had passed?
- How can forgetting leave people vulnerable?
Nothing special happens during quarantine so we don’t remember it. Everyday in quarantine is about the same so it's hard to distinguish between the events of any two days. In the case of 1984, the party can easily make up history/memories and feed it to its people. If the party changes what they make people remember, they can change how people see the world.
Part 2 Chapter 4: https://youtu.be/q6vfS5DlBCQ
Part 2 Chapter 5: https://youtu.be/_UpkUOcc3nY
What is it like working from home?
It has been very boring as I always repeat the same routine over and over again with no change. I would rather go back to school than continue with online learning even if we go to school in half capacity in September.
What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
Currently there are about 7.8 million coronavirus cases globally with 2.1 million of those cases being the US. The daily amount of coronavirus cases declined, with the highest being near the end of April. NYC has about 200,000 confirmed cases.
Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now:
Currently as the coronavirus pandemic ensues, BLM protests sweep the world as they protest against racism and police brutality. While most of these protests are peaceful, there have been riots and looting of stores. Although I support these protests, I am also concerned about the coronavirus cases that may have increased because of these protests.
Today in class we learned how the party manipulates the people of Oceania and how this can be dangerous. We learned that the party controls history (from Winston’s job at the ministry of truth) and could thus control its population by rewriting history. As we learned from today’s class, changing a person’s memory can change how they feel about the world.
Orwell’s cautionary tale teaches us what could happen if the government manipulates its citizens. This lesson serves to teach us the dangers of manipulation. With this in mind, Orwell wants us to learn how to think for ourselves since there may be a lot of misinformation in the world.
From what I learned, I should question the world around me and think for myself and not have information fed to me. If this does not happen, worst case scenario, our world may end up like the one shown to us in 1984.
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