Sunday, June 14, 2020

Blog #41 - Jason Cheung - Period 7 - 5/27/2020

Sophomore 2020
Blog #41 
Jason Cheung
Period 7

Aim: How does the setting of the novel contribute to the mood and tone of 1984?

Do Now:
Consider your knowledge of Oceania thus far. What words, which provide “tone” might you use to describe Oceania (create a list)? 
- Tyrannical
- Repressive
- Manipulative
- Deceiving
- Cruel 

What is Tone and Mood? How do they differ?
Tone - Tones demonstrates how the speakers feel
Mood - Mood demonstrates the reader’s feelings
(Note: The speaker is not always the author; it can be a narrator.)
Class Discussion:

How would you compare Winston’s tone to the reader’s mood?
Winston’s tone in 1984 shows that Winston is extremely observant over the actions from the ministries and despises all the lies they tell and they’re manipulation over the crowd. It also reveals that Winston is in fear as he had numerous thoughts of him being caught for thoughtcrime. This would be similar to the reader’s mood as the readers are also observant over the situation in Airstrip One and the oppressive lifestyles of the citizens there
How does his tone compare to the rest of Oceania?
The tone of Winston and the rest of Oceania greatly differs. Winston is extremely wary over Big Brother and the large telescreen that watches over him as he fears that he will be caught for thoughtcrime. He can also see through the manipulations from the other ministries and dreams of being free. In contrast, the rest of Oceania believes all of the lies and obeys the Big Brother while ignoring their lack of freedom

Nations of Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia

What is Setting?
 Setting is the time, place, physical details and circumstances in which a story occurs. They include the background, atmosphere, or environment in which characters live and move, and usu. include physical characteristics of the surroundings.

Class Discussion:

Why is SETTING important?
Setting is very important when it comes to establishing tone and mood. It provides physical descriptions through the perspective of the narrator or speaker and would provide the readers with a feeling towards these descriptions, such as a dreary setting in 1984. 
How does it contribute to the meaning of the work as a whole?
The setting is a major player when it comes to contributing to the meaning of the work. It provides the story with vivid descriptions of the type of world the characters are in, the type of conditions that they go through, and the thoughts of the characters. 

Palimpsest (Noun): A manuscript or piece of writing material on which the original writing has 
been effaced to make room for later writing but of which traces remain.

Student Reflection:

I learned about the importance setting, tone, and mood has when it comes to establishing a story. When a writer starts to establish a setting, it would give life to the story in the reader’s mind through the usage of tone. If a story lacked both a mood and tone, the entire plot would become very bland and monotone. With this knowledge, I can use it to question what type of emotion the author is trying to establish through the descriptions and what is the importance of the setting to the entire story

Write about your thoughts regarding the reading.
To me, the story was very fascinating and unique. 1984 tells the story of a man who has an actual brain and can think for himself in a manipulative dystopia. This concept is very interesting since it really shows the potential a totalitarian government that has been in root for a few decades has on the crowd.
What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
Currently, New York is still number one in cases in the USA, with double the number of confirmed cases compared to the number two spot, New Jersey who has 160k confirmed cases. According to WebMD, there are more than 160 potential vaccines for COVID-19 under study. 

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
Personally, I am starting to miss being able to go outside. To me, I would occasionally go outside and go to restaurants, pizzerias, or other activities with my friends. Not being able to do that when I am starting to crave for some food is starting to get to me. Once everything begin settling down, me and some friends planned to get some Korean BBQ, something I really wanted to try so I’m hoping that it will be over soon. 

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