Saturday, June 13, 2020

Blog #53 - Angie Mohamed - Period 9 - 5/13/2020

Blog #53 - Angie Mohamed - Period 9 - 6/13/2020
Aim: How are the readers of 1984 warned about the power of manipulation?
Winston thinks, “They could not alter your feelings; for that matter, you could not alter them yourself, even if you wanted to.” Think about and discuss the nature of feelings and emotions.
  1. Can you alter your own feelings by force of will? Why/Why Not?
I believe you can not alter your own feelings. Feelings can be suppressed and ignored, but they will always be there. You can try to convince yourself otherwise, but your feelings at your core can not change by force. You can change your beliefs/feelings, but it must because you have had a change of heart, your feelings are an instinct- a reaction to something, therefore no matter how hard you try you can not alter your feelings by force. 
Here is an article that supports the opinion opposite mine and mentions the psychology behind feelings (
  1. Can someone else alter another person’s innermost feelings?
I believe that another person could alter someone’s innermost feelings to a certain degree. Your feelings are biological, you can not tell someone to stop feeling sad and then expect that person to feel joyfully because you told them not to be sad. But, an individual can change another person’s feelings by brainwashing or manipulating them. I believe that someone can change your feelings by making you self-reflect or by a force of will. If threatened or persuaded enough, under psychological pressure I believe an individual’s feelings may alter, as someone can shape the way you think and your thought process. However, it is very unlikely that a person’s innermost feelings change, as your beliefs at your core are unwavering, except if you are extremely vulnerable.

Considered all that has transpired in the novel thus far.  With your team, create “3” questions, and be prepared to share them with the other teams. The goal is to see if the teams can answer the questions your team created.
In class this would’ve been teamwork, however under these circumstances we worked individually.
My three questions with brief answers are:
-Why is the room above Mr. Charrington's shop dangerous, even though there are no telescreens? 
First off, Winston does not know Mr. Charrington’s intentions and doesn't know if he is trustable. Mr. Charrignton could easily report Winston, additionally a prole or someone from the outer party could notice Winston’s odd behavior and report to the Thought Police, additionally there could be hidden microphones.
-How do Julia and Winston’s beliefs differ?
Julia and Winston are rebellious and share a burning hate for the Inner Party, however Julia’s rebellious acts are of merely self-interest and gives no thought to the past or future, while Winston wants to overthrow the whole system and sees the whole picture and contemplates the past and future often.  
-What does Winston believe can stop the party?
Winston believes sexual desire is a force that could stop the Party, he also believes that proles hold the hope to save them. 

Other classmates questions:
-What is the significance of the parole lady singing?
Winston believes the proles are the way to save them and the parole lady signing inspires hope. Winston thinks about how insignificant her role is in society compared to what she could be doing and to the proles potential in overthrowing the government.
The proles make up 85% of the population, they have the power to overthrow the Inner Party which make up less than 2% of the population.
-Do you think we will meet Big Brother in the book?
I do not believe that we will meet Big Brother in the book as he is more of a symbol/entity, rather than an individual. I believe he is just a symbol created to manipulate and control the people, a scare tactic. 
-Do you think it is possible for something like 1984 to happen?
I believe that it is not possible as people are more outspoken than ever and because books like 1984 exist we are aware that there is danger when it comes to absolute power.
Big Brother is symbolic of the power of manipulation in 1984, as his posters hang everywhere and the proles and outer party are suppressed and brainwashed to support Big Brother.
-Do the thought police actually know what they are thinking? (Ms. Peterson’s question)
We discussed this question as a whole and most people agreed that it is not possible that the thought police does not know what every individual is thinking, as it is not possible to read someone’s mind. However, there are spies and usually people who commit thought crimes are rebellious and feed into their desires and are caught through their actions or words. The thought police was created as a scare tactic. The Inner Party has created a society where most people think alike and have the same thought process and those who are outcasts and don’t share the same values can easily be singled out.

  • Evaluate the characters of Julia and Winston.
  • Record Characteristics unique to each, then record characteristics that are shared. 
  • How is the author warning the readers about manipulation through the characters?

Julia is 26 years old and is capable, rebellious yet ignorant, free-spirited, cunning, promiscuous, and she focuses on the present- very in the moment. She is also vibrant, carefree, concerned with her life, and she is good at acting as if she’s orthodox. Julia sees Big Brother and the Inner Party as an unstoppable force, but Julia is a survivor and she thinks on a smaller scale than Winston and can be ignorant. Since Julia is still young she is more carefree. 
Winston is 39 years old and is contemplative, an intellectual, fatalistic, serious, pessimistic yet optimistic, and hopeful. He is also concerned with humanity as a whole, and contemplates Big Brother in the past and future, which is the opposite of Julia, he knows life before Big Brother.
Both: Rebellious, Hate Big Brother, Enjoy sex, Will be vaporized at one point, they notice and enjoy little things. Since Wisnton is older he is more serious and recalls more.

We also discussed how Winston forced her to recall that Oceania was at war with Eastasia, not Eurasia and she barely recalled, Orwell is showing the power of manipulation in the fact Julia had forgotten and it was not even that long ago these events had transpired. It makes us question what else doesn't she remember?
It is clear from these maps that Eurasia and Eastasia are distinct areas and that Julia and the other members of the outer party and the proles are vulnerable to manipulation and are easily brainwashed.

Record what you did last Friday morning.
I honestly couldn’t remember if I woke up early enough to start my day in the morning. It wasn’t until I checked the calendar and determined what classes I had that day to have a remote idea of what my morning looked like. I know I woke early that day because I had an appointment somewhere, but I needed my calendar to tell me that, without it I did not have an inkling of what transpired last Friday morning. 


  1. Why was there such difficulty recording what happened?
There is difficulty recording what happened because everyday is like the last and for us there was nothing particular that happened that morning that made us remember. Sometimes we do not even keep track of the days and we just live one day at a time and we don’t give much attention to weeks or dates. Nothing special happened.
  1. Why is it so easy to forget what transpired, even though only a couple of days had passed?
It was so easy to forget what transpired, even though only a couple of days had passed because nothing stands out and we have the same routine and the same events happen everyday so we forget the details of the day, but rather we see Friday holistically. Also, sometimes our routines do change so it is hard to remember the details if your routine is constantly changing.  We tend to remember the important events and nothing significant has happened on Friday.

  1. How can forgetting leave people vulnerable?
Forgetting can leave people vulnerable as it allows people to put memories in the gaps of your knowledge and to replace what was there, just how Juila forgot who they were at war with because she was vulnerable and the Inner Party took advantage of that. 

Psychology of Forgetting: 


Write about your thoughts regarding the reading.
For today’s lesson we read chapters four and five of part two of 1984. When we first started reading the book I did not like the plot or Winston. I thought that Winston was too pessimistic, however throughout the chapters Winston’s character has developed and entangled within his pessimistic view is hope for the future. I believe that I disliked Winston so much at the beginning because I was not aware of the other individual’s of the same party as Winston that were intelligent enough to realize the corruption of the Inner Party, such as Julia. Julia hates the Inner Party and does not necessarily believe that change will occur in the way Winston desires. These chapters helped me realize the extent of the situation Winston seems like he is all alone in his beliefs and that even those who do realize the wickedness of living under Big Brother are still ignorant to the extent of control Big Brother has. These chapters we see the rebellious side of Winston, as well as the hopefully. Winston is risking his life, as well as, Julia’s to have sex and neither characters know if they can trust Mr. Charrignton. In chapter 4, where the prole lady is singing inspires hope even in me. Her singing reflects Winston's relationship with Julia. Winston finds hope in her and he yearns for a life where he and Julia can really be together. I truly enjoyed chapters 4 and 5 and I found it ironic that Winston seems fearless against Big Brother and his possible death, however is scared of a tiny creature like a rat. Chapters 4 and 5 really capture Orwell’s message: you do not know who can be trusted and that everything in Oceania is a facade and the Inner Party suppresses the proles and outer party because they can and to brainwash the people. Additionally, it is clear that the differences between Winston and Julia will play a major role in the future chapters.

If you're confused with the reading then you should read these:

What is it like working from home?
Although, I was originally against remote learning at the start because I missed my friends and interacting in class, however now about 4 months in I have grown accustomed to it and can’t imagine how I will go back to learning in actual school. Additionally, working from home has been a struggle. Since kindergarten I’ve been told what to do, when to do it by, where to sit, where I should walk, when I could use the bathroom, when I should eat, all in a school setting. Of course during the weekends, break, and summer I don’t have anyone telling me when to do the things I just listed above, but classes are technically not in session during those hours. So now with remote learning I am responsible for doing my schoolwork and deciding whether or not to join my teachers’ google meets and when I should start my assignments now that I have due dates that are more flexible. I go to sleep really late and have to force myself up early in the morning from class. When we were in actual school there was no way I would even consider sleeping at 3 am, but now I am not concerned with my sleeping schedule. Additionally, usually I eat breakfast in the school cafeteria and skip lunch, now I don’t have breakfast, but rather lunch. When working from home, it seems like me and all my classmates have developed a lack of motivation and procrastine to an extent where we stay up all night doing our work. I do think working from home can also pose some benefits, if you follow a schedule, which I do not. Working from home is different and takes adjustment, but it is a unique situation and a great learning experience for how it will be when we are older, as soon there will be no one managing us 24/7. 

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
Right now we are living from inside our homes, keeping our distance, or it was like that until June 8th. On Monday June 8th, New York started its first phase of reopening and I know everyone is eager to go out and enjoy the good weather, however I believe we should’ve waited longer until New York reopened. Looking at other states like Florida, conditions have worsened after reopening and it would be a shame to see New York go backwards, instead of moving forward. Now that New York has reopened some non-essential business, people have been crowding public areas and some people are not even wearing masks. My parents are still strict with me leaving, but yesterday my parents drove my siblings and I to the beach and we never got out of the car because it was so ridiculously crowded and there was no social distancing. I have been out more and going on more walks and even went inside the grocery store with my dad, instead of hiding in the car. My parents however make me use hand sanitizer immediately as I enter the car and I asked my parents if I could go to a Black Lives Matter (BLM) protest, but my parents are worried about COVID and that the protest will get violent, but there are other ways to support BLM without going to a protest, which I think everyone should do. I have been trying to educate myself more about systemic racism and how it is ingrained in our society and I have been signing petitions and donating by streaming the videos “How to financially support BLM with no money” on YouTube. There are many videos and here is one video that you can stream to support the cause. ( I believe that these protests are a step in the right direction and that more needs to be done and that the police system is corrupt and needs to be reevaluated and that people who do not believe BLM need to be made aware of the systemic racism that exists in almost every level in America. 
Protests happening nationally and internationally:

What did I learn?
Why did I learn it?
How will I use how I learned?
Today I learned about the theme that we have discussed in class with both 1984 and Animal Farm- manipulation. The power of manipulation is a theme that is evident in Geroge Orwell’s writing. We learned about how replacing memories is dangerous in Animal Farm and today with 1984 we learned about how forgetting is vulnerable. The animals in Animal Farm were uneducated, which shows how vulnerable they are. But, Julia and the members of the outer party are educated which illustrates the true power of manipulation. It goes deeper than just replacing memories, the Inner Party keeps the outer party busy and occupied with work and takes pleasure away from them so they are ignorant and left obedient. The outer party members have been trained to a certain thought process and lifestyle that regardless of how intellectual you may be, you remain enslaved to the system curated by the Inner Party. I learned about the power of manipulation and how it leaves people vulnerable to become more aware that this is evident in the history of the world and to make us be more thoughtful and never be vulnerable to the information we read online and what our politicians say. The media curates information through algorithms and presents us information that matches our beliefs and we are stuck in filter bubbles, scientists call echo chambers. We become vulnerable and ignorant as we are unable to think outside the bubble we have trapped ourselves in. Thus, we can not rely simply on the media; we must stay informed and interact with others and encounter opinions opposing ours. I will use what I learned today to help inform others that we are vulnerable, even in today’s age, and that we must work to see the news objectively and that you should always be skeptical of the news presented to you. We must not rely entirely on our memories. I will also use the information I learned today when I write my research paper for SERP in junior year that deals with the media and digital literacy and how media literacy must be incorporated into school curriculums. 

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