Saturday, June 13, 2020

Blog #62: Vincent Shi: Period 7: 6/13/20

Blog #62

Vincent Shi

Period 7


Sophomore 2020

Aim: How is connotation, denotation and paradox explicated through Orwell’s “doublethink”?

Do Now: Analyze the images below. Record the feelings you have associated with each of the “6” images

Winter moth - Wikipedia1976 Honda Civic CVCC - Low Original Mileage, US $8,500.00, image 1

-Moth -Car -Modern

-Dull -ordinary -House

-insect with wings J50: 50 years of Ferrari in Japan – TOFM

-Beautiful -Rich -Worn 

-Colorful -Ferrari -dangerous and haunted

After discussing the DO NOW we got into the meaning of connotation and denotation and how it is applied to our do now

-Connotation: an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.

-Denotation: Literal meaning or “dictionary definition

NOTE: Think of “denote” as the “dictionary,” and “connote” as “feels.” or “emotions.”  If you could choose, which would you prefer: Assertive of Pushy?

-Our class collectively agreed that being assertive is the better 

of the two because when a person possesses an assertive characteristic, they are outgoing and have charisma. Furthermore, being assertive can sometimes display strong leadership skills. Being pushy describes someone as annoying and placing themselves in a situation where they are not wanted.


The term paradox is from the Greek word paradoxon, which means “contrary to expectations, existing belief, or perceived opinion.” It is a statement that appears to be self-contradictory or silly, but which may include a latent truth. It is also used to illustrate an opinion or statement contrary to accepted traditional ideas. A paradox is often used to make a reader think over an idea in an innovative way A statement that seems to  ​contradict itself.

Examples of paradox that we discussed(they are from our readings of George Orwell’s 1984):

  • “War is peace”

  • “Freedom is Slavery”

  • “Ignorance is Strength”

We discussed how they are used in the novel we are currently reading, 1984. We said that dystopia in the novel would use these slogans to promote the greatness of their government which draws away attention from how corrupt they are.

We watched another paradox example, Sarah's Certain death Riddle:

And we discussed if Orwell would have found us crazy for going so deep and beyond with this topic of “doublethink.” The majority of the class believed that Orwell would find us not crazy because it was an important aspect in his novel. The whole story revolves around how the party uses this to manipulate the people of Oceania.


Aim: How can we analyze the symbolism in Winston Smith's name?


The Class did an active listening session read “The Lights Are Going Out''

by Winston Churchill.


Why did Orwell name his protagonist partially after him?  How do they compare (Winston Churchill and Winston Smith)?

  • Both characters believed in a cause and disagreed with their social environment. For example, Winston Churchill was against communism so he broadcasted his message. Similarly, Winston Smith resisted the party's control once he came to realization. 


  1. After analyzing the symbolism of “Winston,” what deductions can you make about “Smith”? Why these names together?

  • We discussed thatSmith is a very common name, so Orwell is trying to convey Winston as just an ordinary guy. When the name Winston is added, Orwell is conveying to his audience that you can be an ordinary person and still make a difference in a cause

  1. What is Orwell’s message to the reader by creating the character of Winston?

  • Orwell's creation is to express to readers that it is ok to take a stand for yourself when you believe something is unjust. He wants readers to know that no matter who you are, you are capable of resisting and doing the right thing.


>What did you learn from this lesson(s)

  • Based on the two lessons that we had that day, I would say that I learned the fundamentals of connotations, denotations, and paradox. Knowing these fundamentals really helped me understand the concept of “doublethink” in Orwell’s 1984. Knowing connotations and denotations help me understand why certain words and sentences are used in various literatures whether the author is trying to portray the literal meaning of something or is trying to create an emotional bond between the writing and its meaning. We also get to see how the concept of “doublethink” is applied in the novel we are reading called 1984. We see how the party was able to use “doublethink” to manipulate the Oceania Society. This can be applied to real life situations as we can see how the Black Lives Matter Movement is expanding and it all started when an ordinary person decided to take a stand.

>What is it like working at home?

  • In my opinion, I think working at home is beneficial for me since we are learning at a slower pace. With just 3 periods a day, I can really put emphasis on my work due to the excess time. I noticed that the quality of my work is a lot better then post Covid 19. I think this is due to how before the pandemic, students were rushed to finish their work in time which degrades the quality of work. Obviously I am speaking from personal experience as this may be a different story for others.

>Your own personal feelings about what is happening right now

  • As I am writing this, the BLM movement is really strong right now and I full support this cause. Sure i'm not black but I know what it feels like to be a minority being treated differently. I think protesting is a wonderful way to take a stand for ourselves when the justice system is well… unjust. One thing I can agree on is rioting. I understand how we are in a state of crisis but I know that violence is never the solution to a problem. I hope everyone is doing well and that normalness can become to norm soon.

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