Friday, June 12, 2020

Blog #58- Johnson Wang - Period 1 - 6/14/2020

Blog 55, Johnson Wang, Period 1, 6/11/20
Freshmen 2020

Aim:How can our examination of Joseph Campbell's "The Hero's Journey" expose Odysseus as an archetypal hero?

Do Now: ​Interpret the following quote and apply it to Odysseus.
“A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder. Fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won.”
― Joseph Campbell

My response:This quote means that a hero who has been living a normal life sets on a journey. During this journey, he has to overcome many challenges ahead and the hero is still victorious in the end. This is similar to Odysseus since he is also on a journey to return home but then he met many foes along the way and had to overcome them. After many challenges he finally reached his home and was reunited with his family.

In class, we learned who Joseph Campbell is and the idea of “The Hero’s Journey.” Many traditional heroes follow this path, even in The Odyssey, Odysseus follows this as well. These types of heroes are called archetypal heroes. An archetype is an original model or pattern from which other later copies are made, especially a character, an action, or situation that seems to represent common patterns of human life. Often, archetypes include symbol, a theme, a setting, or a character that have a common meaning in an entire culture, or even the entire human race. Ex: “the evil genius”, “the damsel in distress.” We later talked about some of the archetypes in The Odyssey. For my response, I said Odysseus is the hero, Zeus is the Sovereign, and Athena is the sage. We then watched a few clicks discussing the hero's journey.

What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?
I’m learning that our world is not as civil as it seems. Last time on instagram, I saw a post saying that a police officer shot a rubber bullet at a person who is not even protesting, but shopping for groceries, and she lost one of her eyes.

Write about what you learned in your online English lessons.
In the last lesson, I learned what an archetype is and what makes a hero archetypal. I also learned that most hero stories follow the same origin.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
I used to wish I was at home, but after what happened, I feel like going to school is much more entertaining than staying at home. Life is very boring at home and I can’t really do anything.

In this lesson, I learned what an archetypal hero is. Many of the heroes I heard about follow the same origin. I believe we learned this so we can better understand and differentiate  various heroes and their qualities. I will use what I learned in this lesson to understand future hero-like stories in the future and see if they follow the same concept. If they do, then I will have a better grasp of the story

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