Saturday, June 13, 2020

Blog #63- Joanne Wang- Period 2- 6/11/20

Aim: How do the historical allusions and connections in 1984 contribute to the meaning of the work as a whole? 


Do now: 

  1. Why do new and different ideas often provoke fear? 

  2. Is Julia good for Winston? 

For the first question, I think new and different ideas provoke fear because no one has ever gone through these ideas. People are naturally afraid of new things they have never tried before. For the second question, I think Julia is good for Winston because Winston is happy with Julia and they both have similar ideas about the whole situation with big brother. 

What are allusions? 

Allusions - is a brief and indirect reference within a literary work to a historical, literary, or biblical character, place or event, which is not explained. 

Group work: Allusions 

Proles - Proles are an allusion to the common people or the ordinary citizens. They both are high in number and the main causes of revolutions and overthrowing of a power. 

Insoc’s social class system - (war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength) 

Big Brother - allusion to all powerful organizations or leaders. He controls the entire country. 

Emmanuel Goldstein - Leader of the rebellion revolution against big brother and government. Allusion is similar to Leon Trotsky who was the leader of the Russian revolution. 

The Telescreens - Continuous surveillance of the people from the party. 

Junior Spies - allusion to the secret police who spies on people. 

Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford - they were powerful people that big brother was afraid of and had to wipe out. 

Thoughts regarding the Reading: 

We read 1984 chapters 6, 7, and 8 from book 2. In chapter 6, Winston encounters O’Brien, who was a loyal member of the party. He establishes a close relationship with O’Brien and felt that he was closer to rebellion. In chapter 7, Julia and Winston woke up in the rented room above Mr. Charrington’s shop. Winston says that he dreamt of his mother and believes that he killed her. He then continues to say that the party manipulates people like Julia and him to be inhuman and the proles are the only people that could feel. Knowing that staying in the room will lead the two to be caught, Julia and Winston decide to never go back. In Chapter 8, Winston and Julia decide to go to O’Brien’s home together and tell him that they were enemies of the party and wish to join brotherhood. O’brien gains their trust by telling the stories of Emmanuel Goldstein. 

What is it like Working from Home? 

Working from home is a lot of work and has a very inconsistent schedule. Even though it is not as much work compared to in school but with no work ethic, assignments pile up. Working from home is really stressful since no one really watches you when you work. Home is the place where you relax making it really hard for me to work. 

Thoughts on Virus and what’s going on? 

First the virus, people were no longer afraid of the virus and they all decided to go out for no reason. Everyone should know that the black lives movement and George Floyde. I believe that racism towards black people is severe. This was not the first case that a white police killed a black person when the black person wasn’t able to fight back. We are mad that the police that murdered a man’s life was not in prison. We are mad that people of different races and colors were treated differently. I support black lives matter and think that this is an important issue that has been going around America for a very long time.


Today I learned about allusions. Allusions are indirect references within a literary work to a historical, literary, or biblical character, place or event. To me, allusions are very similar to symbolism since they both connect works together. Allusions can be applied to many different types of works and literature. It helps us connect stories to real life as well as other stories.

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