Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Blog #34 - Vivian Zhou - Period 3 - 5/11/20

Blog #34, Vivian Zhou, Period 3, 5/11/20

Vivian Zhou PD 3
Sophomores 2020
Blogger #34

Aim: How does language construct and impact thought?

Overview of Lesson
Do Now:
  1. How difficult was it to create the insult? Why/Why Not?
It was difficult to create the insults since we did not understand the Shakespearean language well. This limited our ability to understand the words that were provided for us.
  1. How important is your understanding of the words in Shakespearean language to ensure your message is accurate?
If we do not understand the words provided to us, it will be difficult to understand our own insult. The receiver may also have a difficult time in understanding the meaning behind our insults. This will limit the accuracy of our insults.
  1. Is it fair to say that due to your limited knowledge of language, during Shakespeare’s times, your ability to get across what you were truly trying to say may have been hindered?
It is fair to state that, since we are not 100% sure about the meaning of our insults. The less knowledgeable you are on a certain subject or language, you will have less ability on completing a task.
  1. Did you find that to create the translation, you may have had to use more simple-language (basic words) for your translation?
I definitely found myself using more simple-language words for my translation since it will be easier for me to understand my insults. 

Shakespearean Insults Worksheet

To start off the lesson, we did a Shakespearen insult. There were three columns and we had to pick out three words (one from each column) to make an insult. One of my insults was thou greasy —> empty-hearted —> egg-shell, which I believed meant you are a gross, empty-heart, worthless person. The class said the activity was somewhat hard since we did not know the definition of the words. This limited our ability to understand what we wanted to. This tied in with today’s lesson on how language impacts our thoughts. Since we have the limited ability to understand the word, it made it harder to understand what we were trying to say in our insult. 
We then moved on to Newspeak and had a class discussion on Newspeak. Newspeak has the ability to control what the people think. By restricting vocabulary and content, the people can only think and believe in what the government states. In 1984, we see that the government uses a lot of propaganda posters that state, “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU.” Through this it can bring fear to the people, since the people know that the government is watching them. 

Class Discussion:
  1. What is the setting of the story? 
1984 takes place in a place called Oceania. The story itself takes place in London in the year of 1984. We are not sure if it actually took place in 1984, since in the book no one, including Winston, really knows the exact year they were living in.
  1.  What is Newspeak?
It is the fictional language of Oceania. Everyone should be speaking Newspeak and no other language, so it can help prevent thought crimes. 
  1.  How is the previous activity tied to Newspeak (similarities/differences)?
Since the previous activity was in Shakespearean language, it limited our ability to understand what we were creating. Newspeak has a limited amount of vocabulary that people in Oceania should know. By limiting the vocabulary for the citizens and making the vocabulary simpler, the citizens will only understand that set of vocabulary and only think a certain way which will make it easier for the Inner Party to rule them.

We then move on to a video on how languages shape the way we think. The speaker, Lera Borodistsky, asked a question on whether the language we speak affects the way we think. She gave an example by using direction. She asked the audience to point southeast, and the audience pointed in different directions. This showed that language did affect the way we think, since different people interpreted the word in different ways. She also gave another example through time. An English speaker may arrange time from left to right, while an Arabic or Hebrew speaker may arrange time from right to left due to their writing direction. 

Lera Boroditsky

After the video, we played a taboo game where we had to describe an IPad without using Apple, device, electronic, tablet, and toy. I came up with the words, Safari, technology, and home button. Most of the class believed the activity was difficult since we wanted to use the 5 words to describe that word. Now that it is restricted from us, we cannot think of other words to describe that word. We did another taboo where we had to create 5 words that describe the main word (belief, equality, freedom, integrity, pride). I used the word equality, and I used the words, equal, rights, fairness, justice, and equally, to describe it. Some of the class believe this taboo was easier than the previous taboo since no words were restricted from us. Some believe it was equally as hard as the previous taboo due to the complexity of the word. Words like equality and freedom had a bigger meaning than iPad. They can also be interpreted differently. 

Taboo Game

At the end of the lesson we had a whole class discussion on the takeaways of today’s lesson. Through this lesson, we believe that language did have an impact on how we think. Language affects the way we look at the world. Since we come from different ethnicities and families, our ethnic and family backgrounds may affect how we view a certain topic. One person may think this political leader is right for the country, while another person can disagree. This is affected by our language and ethnic and family backgrounds. 

What did I learn?
Through these activities and the video, it helped teach me that language does affect the way we think. Through the Shakespearen insult activity, it helped teach me that our lack of understanding due to the language being used affects how we think. Since we are not used to the language provided to us, it makes it hard for us to comprehend the words. The video implied that, due to different languages, people may think differently as shown through the English, Arabic, and Hebrew speaker example. The taboo game showed that the restriction of words limits people’s knowledge and thoughts. Since we know what the restricted words are, we were only able to think about the restricted words. This stopped us from coming up with new words.

Why did I learn it?
The reason why we learned this is because we can relate this back to the book, 1984. Since Newspeak restricted the people to only certain contents and vocabulary, it made the people think a certain way. Since the Party was a totalitarian political regime, they wanted full power to themselves. By censoring certain contents, they were able to control the people’s mind, so the people would not think a certain way that may be a threat to their government. We also learned it since it taught us why languages are so unique. We cannot imagine a world without language. Everyone communicates through language, but through different types of language. Some people communicate verbally, while some people communicate through hand gestures (sign language). Today’s lesson showed us that language is an important part of human culture. 

How will I use what I learned?
I can use what I learned today in real life experiences. Especially during this time under this pandemic, we are not sure on what we can trust and not trust. Instead of believing in what the news tells us, I should do my research to make sure what the news told me is accurate. For example, if different news outlets state the same information, then there is a possibility that the information is true. This can also teach me to not always route for the popular side. Since everyone has a way to manipulate you, I would make sure to do my research first before choosing a side.   

What is it like working from home?                                                            
Working from home, in my opinion, is not as difficult compared to working at school. Since I live far away from the school, I usually have to wake up around 5:30 everyday to get to school, since my commute is about an hour and a half. However, when I work from home, I can wake up at 8 or 8:30. In my opinion, I feel more awake when I work from home rather than working from school. We also have more time to complete assignments since we are at home all day compared to when we were at school for almost the whole day. However, when you work from home, it’s harder to ask questions or get suggestions from teachers. Back when we were at school, we could always set up times when we can talk with the teacher or stay after class to talk with the teacher. Now, it is more difficult to do that. Even though there’s always an option through google classroom and email, teachers may not be able to get back to us since they are busy like us. While working at home, I do have more downtime than when I work at school. This could be due to commute time which takes up about a fourth of my day. Through this downtime, I find more time to read and maybe even exercise, since being under quarantine is the best time to exercise. 

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
As of right now, in my community, there are not many people or cars out on the street. Everyone seems to be staying at home, except for when they have to go out to the supermarkets to buy food. Some people may hangout in their front yards or backyards for fresh air. As of right now in New York, COVID-19 cases seem to be declining. Hospitalization rate in New York also decreased tremendously. Cases in the US are also declining gradually. There are about 19,000 to 20,000 cases per day. The number of COVID-19 cases is still a lot, but we are definitely seeing a decrease in cases. Death rates are also declining in both New York and the US. A lot of government officials and scientists have also been worried about a second wave of cases coming towards us especially during this year’s winter and flu season. Many officials and scientists are monitoring the cases and making sure of what precautions we can take to prevent a second wave.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
Even though we will rather much be in school and see each other instead of being stuck at home, this is also a great time to get closer with your family. Especially during this generation when everyone in your family is basically working, and we only see each other at the dinner table at night, this pandemic can help bring our family together. The pandemic gives time for family bonding. Families can play board games together or maybe even watch a movie together. I definitely miss my friends and teachers and rather see them in person then through a device, but the pandemic will eventually be over and we will be back at school again. I am frightened of the virus, but at times I remind myself that this pandemic will eventually be over and we will go back to our regular life. As of now, my family and I follow all safety protocols from government officials. Whenever one of us went out, we would wear a face mask and remember to stand 6 feet away from another person. My family is definitely panicking more than me. We will have to wash all items and food that we bring home, but I know this is for the safety of my family and I. 

Additional Resources:

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