Thursday, June 11, 2020

Blog #28- Brandon Tang- Period 2- 5/1/2020


Aim: How can the perception that Animal Farm is a Fable be demonstrated in our

original fable visual representation & oral presentation project?

General Description:

On May 1st, 2020, the class presented their fables to everyone, and in a short amount of time, many stories were shared. The perception of Animal Farm as a fable was demonstrated in our original fable oral presentation as we showed the many forms of fables, and how Animal Farm was close to being such, despite being a novel.


Throughout the Zoom meeting, many good points were made and I was able to absorb stories and morals through many well-written fables. Youssef’s fable, which was about a large blob that ate everything from the person that took it in was an example of being careful of what you take in. Another was a fable, which I have unfortunately forgotten who had written it, that was about a man that took in a fox and nursed it back to health. The wife had yelled at him to remove the fox from his household but the husband refused. He proceeded to ignore her and in the end, the fox had mischievously taken their food and left without a word. 

Personal Take:

During the presentations, I had learned a considerable amount from just listening to all the different writing styles of my fellow students. I was able to observe how they presented their problems and presented the lessons that they were trying to convey, and by doing so, I believe that I have bettered myself in understanding the lessons they were trying to teach and as a writer as I was able to be exposed to all the different techniques that everyone else employed. With all of this time, and being trapped by this quarantine, it is the perfect time to better ourselves as students, as well as bettering ourselves as people, to fully be able to use the skills that school has taught us and to polish these ideas that we have learned, from days such as this.

What did I learn?

I learned throughout this experience that through storytelling, you’re able to explain concepts much more effectively, rather than just state the concept you are trying to show in summary. This is something that I understood but didn’t really see as I believed that efficiency was worth trading out for complexity as long as you absorbed relatively the same information, but with a fable explaining a concept, it allows the moral to be much more easily digested, which in turn led to an increased understanding of said moral.

Why did I learn it?


I learned about the power that was storytelling as being able to create one and being able to format one allowed me to better analyze stories in order for me to be able to better understand what I was reading. Similar to how before you do something first hand, you do not realize all the meticulous details as if you were to just observe said action from afar or on paper. You do not get the experience of doing it, therefore it is much more difficult to pick out details in vocabulary and choice of patterns.


How will I use what I learned?


As stated above, I will use today’s experiences to better myself as a writer and as a reader, as it has opened up my horizons to what I can see in a story. That's why a story is the perfect medium to explain things, especially complex ideas, such as some of the morals presented today.

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