Saturday, June 13, 2020

Blog #57 - Udantha Panditha - Period 7 - 6/13/2020

Udantha Panditha
Blog #2

Aim: How are the readers of 1984 warned about the power of manipulation?

Today in Class, we reviewed 1984 Chapters 4 & 5. In Chapter 4 Winston


Winston thinks, “They could not alter your feelings; for that matter, you could not alter them yourself, even if you wanted to.” Think about and discuss the nature of feelings and emotions.

Feelings and emotions are representative of a person. They take on many forms and shapes, and manifest themselves into our livelihoods. Our opinions on a topic is a part of feeling. Breaking one’s emotions is a fate worse than death, as it makes them lose purpose. The use of Pathos is to evoke a feeling from the audience or to convince the viewer through emotions.  Contrary to Winston I do believe that it is possible to alter emotion of someone else, especially if they are weak willed. Emotions can be repressed but also let free. One can hide their emotions but it may still persist, in the innermost place of their mind. 

Can you alter your own feelings by force of will? Why/Why Not?

I feel like you would be able to alter your own feelings by force. Sometimes thoughts and feelings on a matter may change after a new event occurs. For the feelings that are deeply ingrained in you, that may be more difficult to alter.

Can someone else alter another person’s innermost feelings?

Through enough brainwashing and torture, I feel like it would be possible to alter another person’s feelings. If there is a benefit for that other person, then it may be possible

As Covid rages on in the outside world, I am confined to my house, doing virtual school. The situation does not look like it is getting better with all these riots . I am concerned for the safety of the protesters as there is no social distancing and there are large crowds; two things to avoid in these times. I hope they will be safe and not contract Covid, and fight for the just cause. 

Today In class we reviewed Book Two’s chapter 4 and 5. Winston buys a room from Mr Charrington to continue his affair with Julia.  Julia brings in Inner Party luxuries such as fine cigars, real coffee, bread, jam and tea. Julia seems to know more than meets the eye as she finished the nursery rhyme that Winston started. Perhaps she is like Winston, but more subtle. The ending of the nursery rhyme was about chopping heads, which paints a grisly picture, perhaps foreshadowing the end of Winston. Winston and Julia are acting like normal people, like a regular couple in the real world, which is forbidden in Oceania. Winston also ponders on the future of his relationship with Julia. We also learn that Winston’s biggest fear is rats

Chapter 5 opens with Winston returning to his work. Syme is missing, as Winston predicted, due to Syme being too intelligent for the Party. Hate week is coming up and the entire state is getting prepared. Even the proles seem rowdier than usual. Winston keeps on yearning for the room above Mr Charrington’s shop, as it is a representation of freedom and temporary comfort for Winston. Winston hopes that his past wife would die so he would be able to marry Julia. Winston even dreams of becoming a prole, as he sees it, the Outer Party members have it the worst as they lack the luxury and power of the inner party, and they lack the security and freedom of the proles. Winston tells Julia about his kinship with O’Brien and Julia tells Winston that she believes Emmanuel Goldstein and the war are merely party inventions.

During class we discussed the nature of feelings and how they relate to Winston and the world around him. Winston’s feelings about the party are negative, which is a thoughtcrime, yet is slightly more pessimistic about his future, knowing that he would most likely die someday and awaits for the sweet release of death. Many students discussed if it was possible for one’s feelings to be altered whether that be through themselves or others. There were many varying interpretations of “feelings”, as it could range from emotions or an opinion on a topic. On the latter, many agreed that opinions can be changed over time, depending on the circumstances. On emotions, however, there was an agreement that feelings can’t really be changed as they would still persist. Some mentioned that people can easily fake their emotions to benefit themselves in the moment. 
Then the class did a series of questions about the book that they felt needed to be answered

Considered all that has transpired in the novel thus far. With your team, create “3” questions, and be prepared to share them with the other teams. The goal is to see if the teams can answer the questions your team created.
1. How can the thought police know what you are thinking
2. Why can’t Winston be more subtle about his hatred for the party
3. Could the party collapse on itself?

After that a comparison was done between Julia and Winston


Evaluate the characters of Julia and Winston.

Record Characteristics unique to each, then record characteristics that are

Winston: Paranoid Cautious, Rebellious, anti-party,serious, intellectual

Both: Free thinkers, passionate, drive to disobey, not able to be manipulated easily, hates the party

Julia: naive, concerned, acting, subtle, tactful, much more deceitful

Then the class talked about the importance of memory, and how murky memories lead to manipulation. When you forget you have to rely on another person who may or may not twist that memory into their favor

How is the author warning the readers about manipulation through the characters?
George Orwell warns the reader that manipulation is quite common, and power of forgetting can lead to manipulation from a Nefarious third party, which is the Party in 1984.


Record what you did last Friday morning.
I woke up late and I finished several classes. I know I ate breakfast but I don’t really remember much because I did not do anything interesting that day.

Be Prepared to Share Responses


Why was there such difficulty
recording what happened?
It was a while ago and nothing significant happened

Why is it so easy to forget what transpired, even though only a couple of days had passed?
I did not find any reason to remember anything on that day because I did not think I would have to use it in the future.

How can forgetting leave people vulnerable?
If you forgot a very traumatic moment, then you would have to rely on another person, who could be able to manipulate you.


What I learned

Overall I learned that there are many types of feelings in the world, and that some feelings are changeable while others are not, as opinions can change over time, but inner feelings do not change so easily.I also learned that memories are very important and without memories you could be easily manipulated into conforming someone else’s worldview.

Why did I learn it?

I learned this information about feelings and memory because Winston is at his high point in life, and I feel that his life will surely descend into nightmarish chaos or it will ascend into peace and tranquility.

What can I use in the future?

I could take away from one of the key points in this, which was to remember more. Since I don't really want my memories to be manipulated. I also learned that changing the past could alter the future and is indicative of the tactics that authoritarian governments use to remain in power.

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