Saturday, June 13, 2020

Blog #69 - Jack Todaro - Period 3 - 06/13/2020

Blog #2, Jack Todaro                                Period 3

Aim: How do the Historical allusions and connections in 1984 contribute to the meaning of the work as a whole?

     Today's lesson explored  why new ideas often provoke fear in many individuals. Fear of the unknown was a big reason why these new ideas were so menacing. Many people seem to like to stick to their own routine, and keep everything as streamline as possible. However when new ideas and actions get introduced it breaks the continuity which is a major reason for these provoked fears. We then discussed whether Julia is a good fit for Winston. Everyone seemed to lean toward yes, because though many of their traits are contradictory that works very well for their relationship. Winston, who worries greatly about the large-scale social issues, is met by Julia who seems to just live in the moment and live the best life she can. This is a good thing as Julia is able to teach Winston about Love, and what life is really about. 

Notes For the Day: 

    A big theme in the lesson was the idea of allusions and how they are all around us in our everyday lives. First, we had to understand what an allusion is to be able to identify them. 

What is an Allusion?

        Allusion: (N) Is a brief and indirect reference within a literary work to a historical, literary, or biblical character, place or event, which is NOT explained. 

    Afterwards, We learned what to expect from an allusion that we may spot. 

Allusion Expectations

    They are NOT explained because writers intend the audience will recognize and understand them, through prior experience. 

    They can help create the mood or can contribute to the theme.

After learning what an illusion is and what we can expect to see in allusions we then tasked with identifying one.  

    This allusion was quite easy for us to decipher, as it is South Parks allusion to the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. We didn't stop there however as there is more to know about what types of allusions we may identify. 

Types of allusions

    Biblical- referring to the Bible or religious works
Classical-  Referring to Classical literature

Literary-  Referring to another literary work

Historical-  Referring to an event in history

    We then looked at a little clip from Family Guy, a show that has many allusions to pop culture. 

    Some students identified this as an allusion to The Sound of Music, a movie originally released back in the 60s. It became evident that it is important to be well-read and have multiple experiences with aspects of art, music, and pop culture to help us understand these allusions.

    For example, an alien watching a show like Family Guy wouldnt understand any of the jokes at all. 

    Some more allusion we looked at can be found below

We can see here we have various allusionsto popular movies like Star wars (top left) and Star wars Return of the Jedi ( Top Right) from both the Simpsons and Family Guy. Then we see the Simpsons again in the bottom with an allusion to Harry Potter. 

    We also see the SImpsons allude to popular Tv shows like The Sopranos (Leftt) and the Adams Family ( Right) 

Finally, we talked about how writers and musicians use allusions to enhance their work

    A quick allusion can create a mood in just a few words, rather than using a long explanation. Allusions help writers and musicians relate more to their audience. Finally, combinations of allusions can contribute to a certain THEME. For example, a musician may use a number of Biblical allusions to make a statement about his/her own religious beliefs. 

    Then we were given a task to work on our own for Homework which required us to look for our own allusions and record them on a chart and describe what type of allusion it is as well as what does it refer to and why. 

    Reflection of the Lesson:  We learned about allusions and how they can be used effectively in writing and other various forms of media. We learned what to expect from an allusion, as well as how to identify them. Moreover, we learned why they are used and how they may be effective in getting various points across to a reader, or viewer. We learned this because allusions are all around us in everyday life and most of the time we cant even tell. So, learning about these allusions today will give us the skills we need to go out and identify many allusions to enrich our everyday experiences. I will used what I learned to better understand allusions in everyday media, and understand the meaning behind why they were used and how I can use them in writings in the future. 

    Personal Experience:  Personally, I enjoyed this lesson very much as it was fun and it was very relevant to our lives. Learning about these allusions today will enrich my experiences with the media much more. I will use the skills I learned in today's lesson a lot in the future, and possibly try and teach the skills I learned to others. 

    Working from home has been getting better and better for me, as at this point I have a routine set and I am keeping everything in order. At first it was a little weird and out of the ordinary, but overtime I have become accustomed to the troubles associated with working from home. Overall, this is a bump in the road for just about everyone, but we have to look at the light at the end of the tunnel and understand we will get through this. 

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