Saturday, June 13, 2020

Blog #50 - Eric Lin - Period 9 - 6/13/2020

6/11/20  Blog #50
Eric Lin Pd.9
Aim: How are the readers of 1984 warned about the power of manipulation?

Do Now: Winston thinks,” They could not alter your feelings; for the matter, you could not alter them yourself, even if you wanted to.” Think about and discuss the nature of feelings and emotions.

Student Responses: 
  • I don’t think you can alter your core feelings. You may be able to convince yourself a little but there will always be doubt inside about if something is right or wrong.
  • Yes, I think you can alter your own feelings. As time passes you will start to think differently and soon there will be no force going against how you really feel.
  • It is possible for others to alter someone’s feelings since there are some people who can manipulate your feelings. As you are more exposed to that person’s opinion, you will start to change your opinions as well. 
  • You are the only one that can change how you feel inside since you are the only one that knows who you are and how you really feel. 
  • People can affect how we feel but it is up to us at the end since we would be more defensive as we want to feel how we feel, not to be infiltrated by others.

  1. Will we ever meet Big Brother during the novel and is there any significance to it?
  2. Do you think the novel 1984 be enacted in the real world?
  3. The novel has thought crimes, do you think the thought police is a scare tactic or do they actually know what you are thinking? 

Julia- she seems very rebellious but also very ignorant since she ignores everything Winston tells her. She is practical and just wants to live her life normally and not get caught by anyone. She thinks on a smaller scale than Winston as she rebels on her own and not as a society. 
Winston- He is the opposite of Julia and is a dreamer. He knows life before the revolution and has more knowledge than Julia. He knows what he is doing will lead to his death but he does it anyway for change. Winston is a lot older than Julia and that suggests that he doesn’t have much time left so he might as well do what he can.
Both- Both want to rebel. Out of party members. Enjoy the little things in life. 

Quick Write- What did you do last Friday?
Last Friday is like every other day I wake up to. I get up at noon and get ready for the day. Almost immediately, I get in a call with a friend and we start to play games until dinner time. From about 7-9, I do homework and finish dinner. Then we start to play again until 11 pm and say goodnight. 

What is it like working from home?
Working from home is kind of difficult since there are many problems that can occur. Personally I have experienced wifi issues and having my computer freeze from time to time. It is really unreliable to work from home because of all these problems.

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus? 
As some places start to open up since there is a slight decline of infected people, it might lead to a resurgence of the virus. This might be prevalent in the US as there are large groups of protesters and this can be a health risk as the virus can easily spread amidst the protests.

What are my feelings about what is happening?
I believe that the government should do something about the protesters not in a way to stop them but to do something about what they want. If that happens maybe the protests will end and might even save some lives. As we all know, the virus is still out there and the protests will only make it worse.

Reflection: Today I learned that it is difficult for others to change the way you feel. Although someone may be able to persuade what you think about a topic, you will always be conflicted deep down. Changing your own feelings, however, is different. People tend to think differently and this results in arguments but sometimes there are no right or wrong. People don’t always have to think the same way you do. There are things that people do that can affect the way you think though. The government uses propaganda to makes its citizens feel a certain way and behave “properly”. 

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